Boredom is a disease, too.

I'm as clean as a whistle.

I was more of a weightlifter.

Marijuana is a proven medicine.

I only smoke maybe a nug a day.

A lot of prophets have gone to jail.

I've always been into improvisation.

Once you're a felon you're a target.

I believe that all marijuana is medical.

Something good always happens at 4:20 for me.

Everything that happens to me is very cosmic.

I'd rather have my kid smoking pot than drinking.

I support Bernie [Sanders] and I love his approach.

I never actually smoked with any of the presidents.

But you can't exercise and be high. It's impossible.

Life, especially in America, is ruled by corporations.

You can't become a dictator through checks and balances.

I'm just glad I can make a difference in someone's life.

I never did smoke that much pot; never was a big pothead.

Cigarettes, I won't do cigarettes, nicotine will kill ya.

No. Maceo played sax, didn't he, well they used to sit in.

The funny thing is, Dennis Miller got me back into comedy.

There's a hierarchy in prison, and I was right at the top.

I smoke a little pot, every day, and I'm healthy as can be.

You know, I left the country when Reagan got in; I went to France.

I've met a lot of jazz musicians in my day, and they're all funny.

Bernie Sanders is all about being humane and loving to each other.

The GRAMMY was a huge deal. It's the height of any musical career.

If more people were stoned there would be less violence in the world.

Jail was probably the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me.

They just wanted to show the entertainment world that we're vulnerable.

I've been a good boy, I've never really been convicted of serious crime.

I converted a family-owned strip club into an improvisational acting theater.

I think the most important thing that marijuana does is it affects the brain.

Every time I get tested, I ask questions about it, and I watch how they do it.

You can smoke marijuana, you can eat it, you can wear it, it's a perfect plant!

I wish I could say farewell and retire but there is nothing for me to retire from.

Whenever I do anything, I need to take 15 or 20 minutes, maybe longer, to regroup.

What made me a comedian was that I wasn't really a songwriter, I was more of a poet.

I want my ashes either with some really good primo or as some fertilizer for plants.

Okay, you can die for your country, but know what you're doing while you're doing it.

The thing is about Cheech & Chong, we've brought more families together than Dr. Phil.

Well, I had an after hours club in Vancouver and when any of the Motown acts would call.

Unfortunately, the American justice system is just riddled with lies and inconsistencies.

Marijuana grows everywhere in the world. And it really is currency, if you think about it.

I am off all the cancer meds. Energy is a bit low but other than that, I feel really good.

If I don't get paid I'm going to take a whole lot of Marshall amps home with me on the plane.

Well, I started out as a musician, so when I was about 10 years old, I was already in a band.

We survived Nixon and Reagan and George Bush, and so we can survive anything that comes along.

People didn't relate to me as being Chinese or white, just being a hippie, a long-haired hippie.

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