I love you, Sir Marco!

I know him...of course.

Sir, will you marry me?

If you insist, how can I resist?

Promise you'll think of me every second?

Jowa na kita? Thank you! Merry Christmas!

I saw it his eyes. I felt it when he touched me.

When people tell you're not good enough, don't mind them.

Happy Valentine's day sir! Next year, happy anniversary na yan ha.

I think that love should be greater than your lust for each other.

How can time be so wrong for love to come along? Catch me I'm falling for you.

I don't know why but when i look in your eyes, I feel something that seems so right.

Dear Marco, how do i unwrite the past, how do i undo the mistakes, how do i unlove you?

I think love and friends are two things that you don't chase. True love and true friends come.

Cause I shouldn't feel this way... Catch me I'm falling for you... and I don't know what to do.

How can love let it go when it has no place to go? And I can't go along pretending that love isn't here to stay... Catch me I'm falling for you.

Whatever it is that we put in our hearts and minds, whatever seed you plant in it, it will grow. We might not know it but subconsciously, in one way or another, it can affect us.

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