You are your best thing

He said, 'Always. Always.

I am a moralist. I worry.

I like marriage. The idea.

All important things are hard.

New York is the last true city.

All art is knowing when to stop.

Lonely was much better than alone.

Being able to laugh got me through.

Laughter is more serious than tears.

I didn't fall in love, I rose in it.

Literature, it seems to me, is wisdom.

Something that is loved is never lost.

Shallow believers prefer a shallow God.

I dream a dream that dreams back at me.

When a man angers you, he conquers you.

He wants to put his story next to hers.

Much handled things are always soft(27).

Love is never any better than the lover.

Anything dead coming back to life hurts.

You your own best thing, Sethe. You are.

If we had no language we'd have nothing.

Love is divine only and difficult always.

Let your face speak what's in your heart.

Unless carefree, mother love was a killer.

Passion is never enough; neither is skill.

A dream is just a nightmare with lipstick.

Can't nothing heal without pain, you know.

I thought the whole world was like Lorain.

If I’d a knowed more, I would a loved more.

And wouldn't you know he'd be a singing man.

Which was what love was: unmotivated respect.

Not knowing it was hard; knowing it was harder

I get angry about things, then go on and work.

I don't do the things other people call "play."

Liberation means you don't have to be silenced.

I always know the ending; that's where I start.

A bestseller is a book that non-book buyers buy

Don’t beg anybody for anything, especially love.

You have to be willing to think the unthinkable.

The function of freedom is to free someone else.

If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it.

...the change was adjustment without improvement.

Love is or it ain't. Thin love ain't love at all.

Our ancestors are an ever widening circle of hope.

We never shape the world . . . the world shapes us.

I wrote my first novel because I wanted to read it.

Definitions belong to the definer, not the defined.

Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.

Today is always here,' said Sethe. 'Tomorrow, never.

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