No excuses. No explanations.

You can have an impact anywhere you are.

I said all along that God is in control.

Stubbornness is a virtue if you are right.

I've said all along that God is in control.

I'm probably going to be an Indianapolis fan.

And one game, as we know, can cost you a lot.

You don't win on emotion. You win on execution.

It's definitely harder being a dad than a coach.

What you do is not as important as how you do it.

We are all important, but we are not indispensable.

Remember that mentor leadership is all about serving.

Don't worry about your platform; focus on your impact.

You have gifts, abilities, and dreams no one else has.

God allows us to feel pain for a reason: to protect us.

Be successful not just in what you do, but in who you are.

Keeping ridiculous hours doesn't mean you'll be successful.

Everybody needs encouragement, even when things are going well.

Integrity, the choice between what's convenient and what's right.

Winning would create greater potential for change than talk alone.

We want to enjoy our families and the hype leading up to the game.

Character is the glue that bonds solid and meaningful relationships

I guess I'm flattered that people think I can help get things done.

DON'T FEAR FAILURE. Fear being successful at things that don't matter

I need to treat everybody fairly, but fair doesn't always mean equal.

We only wanted to pay significant sums to keep truly special players.

If we do what we do without panicking, we can accomplish great things.

Avoidance doesn’t solve anything; it merely serves as a temporary salve.

It's easy to lose sight of the ultimate goal when you're in the trenches.

I learned it doesn't matter how you win. You play to your team's strength.

If we lose sight of people, we lose sight of the very purpose of leadership.

The Lord doesn't always take you in a straight line. He tests you sometimes.

Football is a vocation and an opportunity for ministry. But it's not a life.

The best leaders are following Christ. That's the best leader you can follow.

Nothing does more to lubricate the rough spots than a good dose of encouragement.

Don't shed any tears for me. I got to live a dream most people don't get to live.

We believed it was not our formations that made us good, but rather how we played.

Balance provides the chance for longevity. You can be a champion at work and at home.

Gay marriage and who should be on a football team have nothing to do with each other.

I talk to our players about life and situations and doing the right thing all the time.

I found that while life drags on when you're losing, it marches on when you're winning.

A good leader gets people to follow him because they want to, not because he makes them.

We have a whole generation of men who don't understand how much they mean to their kids.

We are all role models to someone in this world, and we can all have an impact - for good.

I was not asked whether I would have a problem having Michael Sam on my team. I would not.

That's the key to defending any quarterback: to make them throw before they want to throw.

The first step toward creating an improved future is developing the ability to envision it.

You need togetherness because you don't always win, and you have got to hang though together

We're not hitting on all cylinders, defensively. When we're playing good, I'll let you know.

As big a deal as the Super Bowl is, it's not the most important thing going on in the planet.

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