I always wanted my daddy to be proud.

I was definitely a tomboy. I hated dolls.

I like fighting, but I hate hurting people.

I have never been the stereotypical figure skater.

Some people, if you eat a carrot, you're killing it.

I love my country. If they don't love me, I don't care.

She hits me and she beats me and she drinks. My mom is an alcoholic.

My biological mother made my clothes or bought my clothes from Salvation Army or Goodwill.

It was so hard to survive - moving so much, not having many friends. But I loved my skating.

The movie portrayed me as this person who cussed every 10 seconds, and I don't cuss like that.

I was told my whole life, you're fat, you're ugly, you're never going to amount to be anything.

Truthfully I don't remember much about anything after the Olympics 'cause I, I lost everything.

Skating was put on the map, supposedly from me Everybody made a life and a livelihood, um, except me.

People are gonna believe what they want to believe And like I said before, I really don't give a damn.

I moved around 13 different times before I was in fifth grade, not having money, not having a lot of friends.

My dad was always supportive of me and my skating, and he loved me as best that he could, and he worked hard.

I'm not an educated woman. What am I gonna do for the rest of my life? I'm an athlete... And now I have absolutely nothing.

I've been with my husband for seven years. With my husband and my son, I get my second chance in life to be loved and be happy.

I was a little tiger. I loved skating. You couldn't get me out of my skates. As many times as I could go to the rink, I was there.

People have talked about it off and on, and there have been people who have stood up for me and have said, 'Hey, we know her, and she is a good person.'

My movie now, to me, is going to help so many people to realize that it is okay to ask for help. It took me so long to be able to ask for somebody to help me.

The media had me convicted of doing something wrong before I had even done anything at all, before I had talked to anyone, before I get out of bed. I'm always the bad person.

I've been nothing several times. But it's my faith in myself and in my father that comes back to me and makes me get back up off my butt and be something worth being proud of.

I think that many people are the victims of abuse every single day and can't stand up for themselves. People need to be able to understand that we need to stand united and that abuse should not be happening anymore.

It's an image that the media has given me as a bad girl, and the only reason they gave me that image is just because of the few things that have gone wrong in my life, and also because I grew up living in a trailer.

One thing I like about boxing is that I will not have to deal with the same kind of politics that I had to in skating. In boxing, it is not about your appearance, or how your costume looks, what color it is, or how much it costs.

I have always loved to skate, and that is all I wanted to do. Having my whole, entire career taken away from me by somebody else - not losing it myself - I do have blame, but when somebody takes your whole, entire life away from you, and you don't know what to do, it's like you're lost.

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