I like being behind the scene.

I just like easy clothes - comfort.

I go to concerts about once a month.

It's a gift to be able to give access.

It was ingrained in me to be gracious.

I could eat gazpacho three times a day.

Growing up, I wanted to be Chris Evert.

I wanted to help women and their families.

I'm always perpetually out of my comfort zone.

There's no such thing as an overnight success.

Never underestimate the impact of a small act.

I never go out during the day without sunglasses.

I wanted to create a new way of looking at retail.

I'm very forgiving so I forgive most things, really.

I've learned time management, organization and I have priorities.

I just love the energy of going into different areas of New York.

If it doesn’t scare you, you’re probably not dreaming big enough.

Ambition is not a four-letter word and women have to embrace that.

It's very passe to think women want to spend a fortune on clothes.

Having an environment that is supportive is really important for success.

An important lesson: Things that look like an overnight success usually aren't.

My biggest challenge every day is to be a great mother and a great businesswoman.

When I think about fashion I think women will never lose that appetite for fashion.

For me, if I can design beautiful things that have the price be lower, I am thrilled.

I like being straightforward. We can deal with anything as long as it's on the table.

I am always interested in designing things that have a great price point attached to it.

I think women want to look beautiful. I think that's an important thing. It is relevant.

Being a sensitive, thoughtful person opens you up for criticism and being affected by it.

I love red licorice, but any bright candy - tangy taffy, Fruit Roll-Ups - does the trick.

For our Spring 2015 collection, I was inspired by the spirit of the artist Francoise Gilot.

I have always believed in 'less is more' in everything I do, from work to my personal life.

One of my greatest talents is recognizing talent in others and giving them the forum to shine.

When I design a garment or a piece of accessory, the first question I ask myself is, 'Would I wear it?'

My approach to beauty is 'less is more,' but I usually wear a pinky-nude lip color, like my Pas du Tout.

I wanted stores that would feel like a comfortable room in my apartment, cozy and colorful and different.

I think women do work differently; it's important to have both men and women. They offer different things.

We need to get women to the point where they aren't apologizing. Its time to take ownership in our success.

My company is an extension of me, so when I designed my stores I wanted people to feel that they were in my home.

I went to an all-girls school in a uniform and always got detention for wearing colorful boxer shorts under my kilt.

I grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania, where my parents raised German shepherds - we had about 30 dogs at any given time.

You have to be savvy and sharp and also straightforward with your customer. I think that authenticity is really important.

Every job that you have might not be the perfect job, but you really take away different things, and you create relationships.

Big businesses can help by engaging aspiring entrepreneurs and promoting initiatives which support small businesses from within.

If I had to read only one author, it would be Gabriel Garcia Marquez because I love the mystical, magical quality of his writing.

There's a Diebenkorn painting - 'Ocean Park No. 68' - that is the color of a swimming pool and always reminds me of summers at the beach.

I love blue in all its shades and textures. I wear navy like others wear black, and I love the blue in flowers - cornflowers, delphiniums.

Sometimes women entrepreneurs are their own challenge, [in terms of] believing in themselves. There is no need to apologise for being ambitious.

I would love to do special products for specific countries. As we go ahead and learn the territories, we're going to do exclusives for each area.

I love exploring New York and I think that's what is so exciting about it. You find places that you've never heard of or seen before all the time.

I think when I was on the corporate ladder, it was very difficult to maintain the hours. It's a little easier when you have you're an entrepreneur.

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