I'm always on the worrying side.

Don't mess with Sergio Marchionne.

We must be relentless and resilient.

I live part of the time in Oxford, and I love it.

F1 needs Ferrari much more than Ferrari needs F1.

You need the right balance between data and gut feeling.

This is motor racing, and things can change pretty quickly.

Emotions run high when you have a bad day; you can't hide it.

By admitting a mistake, it is easier to get yourself out of a spiral.

I was raised by my mother. My father died when I was 15. He was just 41.

A restructuring of an organisation is always a difficult time and delicate.

In terms of the sport itself, I think we need to stop talking ourselves down.

I was much too late when I found out about my passion for motor racing. I was 18.

We appreciate every rational and every true comment, and we take criticism very seriously.

The downfall of any leader in a sport's team is when he gets carried away with his own ego.

We are all racers at heart, and what we want to see is out and out racing, and may the quickest man win.

We have a strict radio protocol and structure how our decisions are made. This is how we've won so many races.

Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes you're unlucky. It all weighs out at the end. That is my experience at least.

The combination between the speed, personality, and being able to temper your emotions in both directions is a great ingredient.

Brexit is a major concern for us, and it should be a major concern for all of us who live in the U.K. and operate out of the U.K.

This is motor racing. We go at very high speeds, and tires have always been deflating or exploding. It is just part of the sport.

It is important for a racing driver, for myself and for the team, that we can say that we trust each other, and it is not lightly said.

Humility is a super-important factor in all of our lives, and I try to remind myself every evening in front of the mirror, 'Just calm down.'

Winning races is very difficult - actually, it's not: you just have to qualify in front, and then it's much easier, from what we've analysed!

I'm getting to enjoy the mentality of the British, the sarcasm, the dry humour. There are so many more ways of articulating yourself than in German.

Every team can have a shot at the title, and we're seeing all of them as a potential threat. There's absolutely no feeling of entitlement to be at the front.

You have seen in football that if you start to think you are the 'Special One,' or that you are better than the others, that is the moment when you will be beaten.

If a no-deal Brexit would happen like has been discussed, I think we would have a major impact in terms of our operations going to the races and getting our cars developed and ready.

You cannot expect a driver who has just lost a shot at pole position to run around with a smile on his face. You need to accept that he is upset in a different way to how we are upset.

Marchionne has a clear vision of what F1 should represent for Ferrari, which is a purist sport that isn't a shopping channel. I would strongly encourage the sport's stakeholders not to provoke him.

The way we are getting parts and services is just in time, at the last minute, into the U.K., and any major disruption in borders and taxes would massively damage the Formula One industry in the U.K.

We are pushing the limits on the chassis and the engine sides a lot in order to have a competitive car, and this is why we are winning races, but also, if you push the limits at a certain stage, you find them.

I've been involved in motorsports from the commercial point of view for many years with my involvement with DTM and managing other businesses, such as a rally business as well where we are collaborating with Red Bull.

We are always full of the types of people who retire or die. But they are never saying 'This guy is really unbelievable; we're alive to witness an exceptional performer.' I think we should recognise that while we are still racing.

If you come into Formula 1, and you try to eat each other or perform on the highest level, and equalisation is what you need after the first race, and you cry out after the first race, it's not how we've done things in the past and not how we've moaned.

I think, as a tire manufacturer, you need to deliver a product that, up to a certain specification, needs to hold the loads and the speed. But you want a tire which degrades in performance so the races are not boring, while at the same time, you want it to have peak performance. All together is a very difficult task.

People enjoy watching sports at the weekend and watching motor racing and whatever sports, and Formula One is the number one global platform which is competing regularly - not like the Olympic Games or the World Cup - so the macro case was this is something that we should be part of because it's going to grow, and it does.

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