I hate planes.

Playing my drums is therapy.

I'm obsessed with my children.

I looked Death right in the face.

I run every day now. I never ran before.

I was in a band called Hooker for a while.

I practice every day, I warm up before I play.

I've always liked Dennis Chambers, he's real flashy.

I`ve always liked Dennis Chambers, he`s real flashy.

Bill Stevenson of The Descendants is really good, too.

We never worry about the big things, just the small things.

Express yourself, put stuff down on tape, and see what lives.

Take care of your colon and your colon will take care of you.

But really, anytime, I play on a practice pad as much as I can.

We all write the music, and then Mark and Tom write the lyrics.

My chops are still up, even though I`m not still in high school.

My chops are still up, even though I'm not still in high school.

And I played in jazz band as well during all three years in school.

I want to keep pushing the limits for drummers and expressing myself.

We just wanted to write a bunch of songs that we thought were good songs.

I play Orange County drums. I love those guys. I've got a four piece kit.

My mom listened to the Beatles and Elvis, a lot of different types of music.

A lot of people think that punk rock musicians don't know what they're doing.

Thank you for life, and all the little ups and downs that make it worth living.

I guess YouTube is the new destination spot for music videos. That's where I go.

I want to beat the world record for the number of beats per second on a drum pad.

I need protein from food rather than just protein supplements. I changed my diet.

I like Steve Gadd, everything he did with Steely Dan. There's so many. I like everything.

We were concerned with having good songs, not just songs that go two hundred miles per hour.

On tour, you never have a home, you don't get used to anything, and you're always super busy.

On tour, you never have a home, you don`t get used to anything, and you`re always super busy.

I have my kids every Friday through Monday, and I don't leave them the whole time I have them.

Oh, I was super serious about practicing and rudiments, and still am. I still have all my books.

My mom died when I was 16. I had a rough childhood, you know what I mean, but it made me strong.

I was playing with the Aquabats, and then I quit to join a band called Suicide Machine in Detroit.

I think punk, pop-punk, and rock music is all meshed together and I think good music is good music.

And I was in another band called Flash In The Pan, which was soca, Latin music, down in Laguna Beach.

In the hospital, I promised myself that I ever walked again, that I would eat well and swim every day.

In 1996, I was in was in an acoustic kind of rock band, we were called Feeble. We were just playing locally.

In junior high, I sang in madrigals, men's' and women's' choir. I played piano too, but then I got out of it.

I want a certain thing for my children. I just want to be in their life. I don't want nannies raising my kids.

It's something I want to overcome. And my kids are scared to death to fly. I want them to witness me overcome it.

There's a lot more responsibility at home, so a tour is like the opposite for me. It's like a breath of fresh air.

I've been vegan since I got out of the hospital... It's another eye opener. It changed my life in a number of ways.

I listen to everything from jazz to reggae to heavy metal and I kind of combine everything to make something different

I can play punk rock, and I love playing punk rock, but I was into every other style of music before I played punk rock.

I think putting your relationship out there for people to interpret and have their own opinion about, I think it's crazy.

I don't like traveling, period. I like being at places and I like going places, but I don't like forms of transportation.

Put me up in front of a million people and ask me to speak. I'll flop. But put me behind my drums and I'll always go with it.

The whole time after you record an album, you're just waiting for the release date. You're waiting for fans to hear it and stuff.

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