You can't buy swag.

I know what my identity is.

You can't buy being a rock star.

I love my fans more than anything.

I design music; I don't produce it.

I'm super nice - I just get excited!

A nerd can call another nerd a nerd.

I have devoted myself to the Rockets.

I don't write; I just go in the booth.

I'm a Bieber fan, man! That kid is ill!

Fans be reflecting the way I be making music.

Kanye and T.I. both engage with what I'm doing.

My grandad, he has his doctorate in psychology.

You can't buy vision, and you can't buy aesthetic.

My A&R at Epic got fired the first week I got signed.

I'm a magician, like David Blaine. I could never fall.

Growing up in Houston, the music scene is super boring.

One day, Travi$ is going to be moving like The Beatles.

I want to do what Kid Cudi did for kids for my generation.

I've got a song with Roscoe Dash - that's next level, man.

Every time I go into the studio, it's some next level, man.

I don't look at myself as a designer; I'm focused on music.

My mom worked for Apple, and my dad owned his own business.

I think of Westernized culture as a good visual for my music.

I was on mad platinum albums... I produced and wrote on them.

I'm attached to the beat. The beat speaks words. I love music.

When I was three years old, my dad bought me my first drum set.

I feel like God put me here to help out with people's soul, man.

Beyonce is, like, the highest level. We all reach for that level.

Yes, money is important. But it's all about the creative process.

You've gotta really touch people to move them to buy your records.

'Days Before Rodeo' is just the journey of me finding out who I am.

I don't need a stage to perform. We just need something to stand on.

I'm an artist. I produce, I direct, and all of that goes into the music.

My work ethic is crazy. I'm a producer, an artist, and a video director.

You grow up in a small community, there's no outlet like New York or L.A.

That's where I get my whole music theory from, my pops and my grandfather.

There's a lot of us out here that are birds, man. We all need to just fly.

I felt like 'Owl Pharoah,' not everyone understood who I was as an artist.

I feel like everything needs to be stylised; that's always been my mindset.

I feel like everyone just gets constricted by their parents or, just, life.

I'm La Flame at all times. That, at times, can be bad, at times can be good.

When you come to my show, it's like a no-holds-barred, underground Royal Rumble.

I was a smart kid. I went to private school in middle school and got kicked out.

I consider myself an artist, which is, like, the most played term, but I believe it.

I've been really trying to put people onto, like, my sound since I was, like, 17, 16.

My whole story is straight mythical. It's tangible, but it's also what life could be.

I'm big on diversity. My music is very diverse; I don't want it to ever be typecasted.

Everybody just has different steps in their life that they take to do what they should.

I was working with Jay Z while I was still learning how to be who I was about to become.

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