Every defeat hurts.

Liverpool are special.

The dream is to captain Liverpool.

There are always opportunities at Liverpool.

I always supported Liverpool. My whole family did!

It's always good to get compliments from your idol.

I always loved watching the Champions League, growing up.

My heart was always set on Liverpool. I always loved the club.

I just try and play where the manager puts me as well as possible.

I try not to pay too much respect to the players I am playing against.

My mum and dad pushed me to work hard in my earlier years in education.

Not many people can say their family has seen them play at a World Cup.

My first poster was Michael Owen. I used to just love how he scored goals.

Keeping people on their toes is the best way to get the best out of people.

If you take your foot off the gas, there's always someone who wants your spot.

You have to go out there and focus on yourself and not who you are up against.

To play for Liverpool is the dream, the aim, and I can't see it changing to be fair.

That is how I have been brought up - to never give up, never take anything for granted.

I have always wanted to play against those types of players such as Ronaldo and Neymar.

There is a big emphasis at Liverpool to have an academy that brings through young players.

Emotion is a good thing, but top level football can be tough, and you have to be in control.

In a knockout tournament, it is not really about your own performance - it is about the team.

I used to love watching Match of the Day and the goals. I used to love seeing people scoring.

If you ever get in a position to influence and inspire the youth of the country, you should do it.

You have a job to do, and whoever I am up against I will try to come out on top like I always try.

It's something you dream of. It's very special to play in the Merseyside derby and, especially, win.

There will be goals to achieve along the way, but until I captain Liverpool, I will not be satisfied.

The odds are stacked against you becoming a footballer, so my family made sure I always had a backup plan.

I didn't really have a position when I was younger; I just used to play where the manager told me to play.

Until I am playing every game all season for a couple of seasons, I am always going to be striving for better.

There's something special about the Champions Leagu,e and it's always been a dream to play in that competition.

Football and chess can seem like sporting polar opposites, but there are so many similarities with the modern game.

The best chance we have of being successful is to not slip up and keep working hard to get three points on the board.

It's not important to me where I'm playing, just as long as the manager is happy and trusting me to go out on the pitch.

The most important thing for me is education, and my family were really supportive in making sure I did the best I could.

My mum and dad always knew that my dream was to be a footballer, but they also warned me that it doesn't always work out.

You are brought up to realise that there will always be tough times in football and that nothing is ever straight forward.

Most opponents aren't Ronaldo! You have to show him respect but not too much, because that's when you get taken advantage of.

I think the moment you get comfortable is the moment that people start gaining on you and start taking that position from you.

To be a Premier League player is something that not everyone can say; even some of the best players in the world can't say that!

The family and friends and the people I surround myself allow me to keep my feet firmly on the floor and not get too big-headed.

Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the life of a footballer, and I guess that is true across most sports now.

It's always great to see someone's life change for the better, and to be involved in something like that is really uplifting for me.

It is a thing of dreams to make your European debut for your boyhood club. Especially to make it with a goal was very special for me.

The way myself and my brothers have been brought up is that you don't give to receive, you give to give, and that is the way life is.

That's the most proud I have been: Seeing my family at the World Cup and them being able to watch me play and making them proud of me.

I had a lot of idols like Fernando Torres, Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher, and Xabi Alonso - all of them. I really looked up to them.

With Ronaldo being one of the greats, probably one of the best players ever, it's going to be an honour to hopefully play against him.

I am happy to get the chance to play whenever I get the chance, and it is down to the manager's trust and the trust he has shown in me.

Probably the best thing for me to hear from my family is telling me that they are proud. To be able to see them smile is a great thing.

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