I hate trends, but I love fashion.

A marriage can go wrong at any time.

I felt so unbelievably ugly for years.

I'm not good at cutting off from work.

So many people hide inside their clothes.

We all know what we don't like about our bodies.

I've had these lips all my life, and I love them.

The days of red carpet disasters are kind of over.

I think only a woman understands another woman's body.

My pain threshold is quite high when it comes to vanity.

I would never go out in track bottoms and a baggy T-shirt.

My grandfather was Scottish, born in the slums of Glasgow.

I had a strong faith that I would, eventually, have a baby.

I came to London when I was 16 and lived with my older sister.

To me, a yummy mummy is a mum in her twenties, like Donna Air.

A Joan Crawford dress looks really good on an hourglass figure.

I will admit I am quite obsessive about the world of anti-ageing.

I don't have a problem with the stories saying I'm skinny at all.

I was a very unconfident teenager. I wanted desperately to fit in.

I'd never have a facelift, as I have never seen one that looks good.

It's very exciting to feel like a different woman with a new identity.

You don't find women with great confidence dressed as if they don't care.

The mantra is forget your size discover your shape and transform yourself.

I enjoy waking up in the morning and thinking, 'Who do I want to be today?'

Diets are rubbish. I eat healthily, and often have a day when I stuff myself.

I'd love to say fashion faux pas differ from country to country, but they don't.

English women would rather go out and buy a washing machine than shop for clothes.

I literally change on the shop floor. I just stand there in my knickers sometimes.

I've a big bum and chunky calves. My husband says I've got elephantiasis of the legs.

I've been nine stone for 20 years. I always eat what I want; it's not an issue for me.

At school, I was only allowed four sweets every Wednesday, so I've developed an addiction.

The idea of what a feminist is has changed so much that there needs to be a new word for it.

If you are heading for 60, people will flirt with you; if you are heading for 70, they won't.

I think I just took a while to know myself. I went on a journey to find out. I was a bit wild.

In some ways, I'm slightly like a single parent, so I need to be able to provide for my family.

Even my basic, basic wardrobe is still pathetically colour coordinated. It just is. That is just me.

I am very precise about what food I like. I'm very much a nursery-food person, and really hate chichi dishes.

If you want to make the best of yourself you don't necessarily need to diet - you need to wear the right stuff.

I judge when I need a top-up of Botox by looking in the mirror to see if I can move more than half my forehead.

If you want to make the best of yourself, you don't necessarily need to diet - you need to wear the right stuff.

There were times when rehab and the halfway house were very, very tough, but I never felt that I wanted to leave.

Every morning, I have a drink of spinach, blueberry, celery, carrot and Gillian McKeith energy food with linseed.

When you're with a big TV channel, there's a sense of having to behave in a certain way in order to get audience figures.

So many women buy these boxy, shapeless jackets. I always tell them to buy a jacket one size too small to get the right fit.

Careers, children and homemaking all come above preserving your appearance. Self-preservation is at the bottom of the scale.

Many women are pear-shaped and tend to wear jeans that are too loose. They need to focus on what jeans will re-proportion their body.

I would advise women not to be shy about admitting they've had Botox - it just shows you want to look your best, and there's nothing wrong with that.

As for the people who say tackling problems through clothes is superficial, I think they say that because they have their own issues about self worth.

Don't look at your legs and think: 'They're fat.' Think: 'These things carry me around all day, and I don't have arthritis. Oh, and I've got great ankles.'

I went on Accutane, which is very strong. Your sebaceous glands dry up, you can't exercise, and you have very dry lips. But it was a miracle, and it worked.

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