Welcome. Come on in to me world.

Yeah, spray tans are not for me.

I miss Irish milk. Probably not as much as Superquinn sausages.

I hate wearin' sunglasses, to be honest with you. You don't need sunglasses in Ireland.

The very end of me mom's road is the back entrance to Bray Head. Usually climb it when I get home.

I look at every girl, and I think, 'You're going to change my life.' I'm very down to earth at heart.

It can be easy to buy into anything. I would lose focus if I went with that attitude of wanting to be famous.

I used to go play football matches in the morning, and Id go straight from me football game to a dance competition.

I used to go play football matches in the morning, and I'd go straight from me football game to a dance competition.

Bray is where I live; it's a seaside resort. It's a nice place to walk up there and stuff, on the coast. There's crosses along on top of it.

Twitter seems just to be constant updates; it seems to me as promotional tool where people talk themselves up, and I don't want it to take over what I'm doing.

I get Twitter, and think it's a great way to keep it in touch, but I don't do it a lot. I hate reading when people tweet about what you're eating or who they are out with, but it's a nice way to keep in touch with people.

Where I come from, you don't really dance, you know. I think I was at the age, where, I suppose, I wanted to do what all me friends were doing. I gave up dancing for a while, and then I realised I wasn't as good at football as I thought I was.

I know when I'm not dancing, and I go home, I usually work with my dad, who's an electrician. So I do stuff like that. I used to be a landscape gardener. I loved that job. But I'd like to be involved with entertainment. Singing or something, I guess.

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