Dark comedy helped me survive.

Drag will always find a way to be weird.

Some of my favorite drag queens are women.

I'm like the Justin Bieber of the drag world.

I'm not good at anything! I can do, like, two voices.

I like Aimee Mann. Her album 'Mental Illness' is so good.

I'm strange! I have a weird sense of humor! I look crazy!

Katya is literally my flesh and blood. Best friend status.

I want to look otherworldly, like I was made in a factory.

One of my trophies of 'Drag Race' is getting to meet Katya.

Northern Wisconsin, where I'm from, is so ridiculously rural.

Trixie Mattel has always opened doors for me. It's closed very few.

I love John Denver. Townes Van Zandt is one of my all-time favorites.

Something that I love about drag is that it's a celebration of feminity.

I plan to publicize my breakups and profit from them like other celebrities.

I've lost 'Drag Race' twice. I know how, with one bad day, it could just end.

June Carter Cash is probably my all-time favorite member of the Carter Family.

I'm an optimistic realist. I kind of expect the worst but prepare for the best.

I've always been obsessed with Michelle Branch, Avril Lavigne, Melissa Etheridge.

I don't dress up as a woman: I dress up as a caricature of a caricature of a woman.

I'm always myself. Always. The only difference is that I come off as mean out of drag.

As drag queens and as comic people, we listen to our own artistic compass all the time.

I don't really like club music or hip hop or electronic music at all. I'm like an old person.

I'm very business-minded. I think that's something that sets me aside from other drag queens.

I'm an artist who happens to be in drag. And I think that's why my drag is a little different.

I hate drag. It's extremely uncomfortable. It's awful. I'm in a full corset and pads and giant wigs.

My favorite drag queens are Tammie Brown and Katya, so I like my drag queens a little left of sanity.

If I have a show at night, I like to spend the whole day alone in silence. I know that might be crazy.

Shangela and I are both the type of queens who will taffy-pull 15 minutes of fame into something solid.

I was the poorest kid in my school, poorest kid in my town, poorest family. That stayed with me forever.

'Drag Race' is sort of like trying to lift weights - like, 50 pounds when you should've been lifting 20.

Trixie Mattel is a product of bad things that happened to me, and it's how I deal with things. It's wonderful.

Most drag queens, they put on music like it's a costume. It's not in their bones. It's not in their background.

Bad things can happen to you, but it doesn't mean you have to have regrets. It's all about what you do with it.

People on a daily basis walk up to me, panic, and tell me something extremely graphic and violent about their life.

I always tell my mom that if she would have just bought me a Barbie when I was little, I would have gone into real estate.

When someone says 'Yasss queen!' to me, I turn around and, X-Men style, run through a wall. You'll never hear from me again.

I have definitely had guys walk up to me, put their arm around me, and when they walk away, my shoulder smells like taco meat.

I always say you can be great at drag and not great at 'Drag Race,' and you can be great at 'Drag Race' and not great at drag.

I listened to a lot of what my grandparents listened to: George Jones, Johnny Cash - a lot of old country singers. Patsy Cline.

Trixie is like a hyper-feminine child's toy who has it all. I love looking like I'm from Toys 'R Us but serving off-color comedy.

I think the perception of audiences that love folk and country is they're perceived to be more closed-minded than they really are.

Mental health and sobriety is not a straight line, and 'Drag Race' is a family, and we support our family members through anything.

When I was on 'Drag Race,' it felt like a serious competition going on between drag queens... and then Katya and I were also there.

In the real world, people go against my beliefs all the time, and I don't make it my place to - like, I'm not super confrontational.

The best way to create emotional or spiritual distance between me and another person is for them to come up to me and go, 'yaassssss.'

I remember seeing RuPaul in 'The Brady Bunch Movie,' when she says to Jan, 'Girl, you better work.' And I froze it in my mind forever.

I live in reality, and I know at any moment I could stop getting the phone calls and nobody wants to hear me sing or tell jokes anymore.

When I'm in drag, I don't always want to be spoken to, but I love being looked at. Nobody puts that much work into how they look to be ignored.

My grandpa was a country singer, and I started learning guitar from him, just at the kitchen table when I was younger, and I got really into it.

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