My life is extravagant.

I enjoy the riches of life.

I've had a few ghostly encounters.

I don't have a musical bone in my body.

I feel at home wherever Sting is - he's my home.

I like juices and antioxidants. I'm a health nut.

Eating's pretty major; we have feasts at our house.

I'm good at the broad strokes but hopeless at the details.

I've had chronically bad stomach aches since I was a child.

I love women; I have women friends, but I'm definitely a heterosexual.

I'm not an unkind person, but by the same token, I'm not a people-pleaser.

Sting and I need to think what our relationship is to England in the long term.

I was in 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,' and I like my bad boy movie movies.

Becoming an actor let me escape the me that I had in my heart, which was I'm a loser.

Pilates has been the perfect solution to maintaining strength and vitality in my life.

Hollywood stops hiring their star leading ladies when they turn 40. It's very defeating.

I gave birth to our daughter Coco in Pisa, and it was a wonderful time in all our lives.

I was operated on facially so much when I was young, and I had massive amounts of stitches.

As a producer, I'm quite nurturing, I like working with inexperienced, unseasoned directors.

Sting and I have six kids between us. A lot of members of our family have ADHD and dyslexia.

The Trudie Styler that is spoken of is extremely privileged in life and feels that privilege.

I've got to like myself, I think, through my relationship with Sting, who pours love over me.

When I first met Clint Eastwood, I bobbed him a curtsy. I still cringe about that to this day.

We all struggle to find our place, and schools can be cruel to kids who aren't part of a pack.

I wouldn't deliberately go and buy something that one would categorise as an extravagant thing.

He's known as Sting. I have my own personal name for him, but that shall remain a personal name.

I'm a bit of a vegetable freak, so we'll often have four or five different varieties on the table.

I have such a fortunate life that of course I will have my detractors. I have a very endowed life.

My first trip to Italy's Tuscany region was in 1990 when my husband, Sting, recorded an album there.

I'm largely health-conscious and work out during the week, but I don't punish myself at the weekends.

Ashtanga yoga is a well known practice for keeping yourself fit and healthy. Yoga is good for my body.

We're all born into this world. Some are placed gently, others thrust into it, and still others abandoned.

I don't know how happy I was when I met Sting. I always had this difficulty of not really knowing who I was.

Our body is the only one we've been given, so we need to maintain it; we need to give it the best nutrition.

Rock stars' wives have never been given an easy time. They weren't nice about Linda McCartney till she died.

I don't want to criticise my country, but there are times I feel Sting and myself have been treated unkindly.

I have great people who help me be on time, but I'm not an on-time person, and I'm very chaotic in my thoughts.

I think having a good yoga practice and a spiritual practice is a recipe for living well and, hopefully, living longer.

If you become more of a witness to the way you're engaging in life, you can catch yourself really screwing up some days!

I don't believe in carbon offsetting. Planting 60 trees so you don't have to say your Hail Marys that night? It's a crock.

The core is the most important muscle group in your body. If your core is not strong, the rest of your body is weakened, too.

When I wake up in the morning, I like to express my gratitude for being on the planet. That gratefulness makes me very present.

It's interesting, the acting thing. I think it must be a deep sense of insecurity that made me want to explore other characters.

In a way, bullying is an ordinary evil. It's hugely prevalent, all too often ignored - and being ignored, it is therefore condoned.

We're a busy family. We like challenges, and we like to be fully engaged with life. I've done that as long as I've been with Sting.

I think it's fascinating that people take an interest in a middle-aged married couple and what happens behind our closed front door.

I think I became an actress because I didn't know who I was, and I certainly didn't like the person I saw when I looked in the mirror.

I like producing, but I don't love it. I love acting. I got into producing because I had a bad time in 1989 when no work was coming in.

The scars on the face have always given me a sense that I'm not a very attractive person. I'm always unsure of myself, of my facial self.

In life, you see younger men and older women, and the majority of marriages don't have such a huge age gap as we're used to seeing in films.

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