Africa has no future.

I've been a free man.

A cat only has itself.

The writer is all alone.

I have a very small public.

Nothing was made in Trinidad.

Writing has to support itself.

I've never abandoned the novel.

The world is always in movement.

I will say I am the sum of my books.

Writers should provoke disagreement.

All cultures have been mingled forever.

Making a book is such a big enterprise.

My life is short. I can't listen to banality.

Small things start us in new ways of thinking

It is important not to trust people too much.

At school I had only admirers; I had no friends.

But everything of value about me is in my books.

If a writer doesn't generate hostility, he is dead.

Great writing can be done in biography, history, art.

Some lesser husbands built a latrine on the hillside.

In England people are very proud of being very stupid.

His ignorance seemed to widen with everything he read.

Judgment is contained in the act of trying to understand.

In a way my reputation has become that of the curmudgeon.

I'm thought to be a tough writer, but I'm really a softie.

The past has to be seen to be dead; or the past will kill.

One always writes comedy at the moment of deepest hysteria.

I'm my own writer. My material means I'm entirely separate.

I don't feel I can speak with authority for many other people.

It isn't that there's no right and wrong here. There's no right.

I profoundly feel that people are letting you down all the time.

What was past was past. I suppose that was the general attitude.

I read many things. I read to fill in my knowledge of the world.

Africans need to be kicked, that's the only thing they understand.

I am the kind of writer that people think other people are reading.

The ancillary aspect of every British city now is the council estate.

If ever you wish to meet intellectual frauds in quantity, go to Paris.

Many writers tend to write summing-up books at the end of their lives.

People come and go all the time; the world has always been in movement.

A civilization which has taken over the world cannot be said to be dying.

The only lies for which we are truly punished are those we tell ourselves.

Everybody is interesting for an hour, but few people can last more than two.

The world outside existed in a kind of darkness; and we inquired about nothing.

One must always try to see the truth of a situation - it makes things universal.

After all, we make ourselves according to the ideas we have of our possibilities.

Ignorant people in preppy clothes are more dangerous to America than oil embargoes.

I know my father and my mother, but beyond that I cannot go. My ancestry is blurred.

If writers just sit and talk about oppression, they are not going to do much writing.

If you want to write serious books, you must be ready to break the forms, break the forms.

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