Keith Ellison is the future of the Democratic Party, the future of the progressive movement.

Progressives always like clean energy ideas. But conservatives should like this agenda, too.

If we stand for change, we can spark a popular movement with power, influence, magic and genius.

Government needs to do two things: put a price on carbon and invest heavily in new technologies.

You put Hillary Clinton up against Donald Trump, I'm scared of the choice no matter what you do.

To the God in myself is probably the most honest answer. I think everybody has a divine destiny.

Donald Trump was underrated, but he understood social media and he understood reality television.

In a democracy, you won't always get to have your way. But you should always get to have your say.

Clean energy is hippy power. But its also cowboy power, it's rancher power, it's Appalachian power.

Clean coal represents a breakthrough in the marketing of coal, but not in the science of burning coal.

Will the new environmental leaders fight for eco-equity in this new "green economy" they are birthing?

I consider myself to be sort of a progressive Afrofuturist that is deeply committed to social justice.

There's the God within and the God without, and you have to attend to the alignment of the two of them.

[Donald Trump] has a tremendous opportunity, you know, this week, to come out and say I don't want that.

Well, we in America are about to break up with oil. Why not break up with poverty and discrimination too?

The time has come for a public-private community partnership to fix this country and put it back to work.

I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends.

I want to be remembered as one of the great innovators among social justice advocates of the 21st Century.

The more we deploy the technologies to capture wind and solar power, the cheaper those technologies become.

I am for literally all of the underdogs that I can command and demand better of everyone, including myself.

We've have to heed our Biblical obligation to be good stewards of the Earth after leaving the Garden of Eden.

If you think love is weak, that's a personal problem because real love is the strongest thing in the universe.

The message is going to be the same. It's very simple. We're either going to turn to each other or on each other.

Everybody should be mad but anger only takes you so far. At some point, you'll have outrage fatigue and burn out.

Donald Trump understood the dynamics of the new media system better than the people who ran the old media system.

Come, then, let us go forward together with our united strength - and win a better future for generations to come.

We actually need conservatives to be better conservatives and we need liberals to be better and stronger liberals.

We know that urban farms require less fuel for tractors and transport, but community gardens don't plant themselves.

Progressives are overreacting .Underreacting, though, to the - what the real threats are, and the real opportunities.

Keith Ellison is an organizer's organizer.He's one of the only Muslims in Congress, so you have a big statement there.

We should tell people we are working to protect our country. We are working to make America stronger for the long run.

I'm the guy that's trying to break up that monopoly to introduce free enterprise and competition to the energy sector.

If the road to social transformation can be paved only by saints who never make mistakes, the road will NEVER be built.

Steve Bannon is the architect of the entire blitzkrieg that we're seeing against American values and the American people.

Playing the villain gets you higher ratings on reality TV and saying outrageous stuff on Twitter gets you more followers.

Hatred of the people who hate you, that is the opposite of being the enemy. I want to fight fire with water wherever I can.

Fighting for and defending the values from the pulpit is critical. You can't love the Creator, and disrespect the creation.

To green our country, regular people will have to put on hard hats and work boots, roll up their sleeves - and get to work.

We just want government to be a smart, supportive, reliable partner to the forces that are working for good in this country.

The usual pattern of demagogues is to promise the moon, fail to deliver, and then blame vulnerable others for those failures.

If people leave your coalition, whose fault is it? It's your fault. You have to build a coalition that's attractive to people.

I used to be called the "Green Jack Kemp" because of my promotion of entrepreneurial and work-based solutions for poor people.

Any successful long-term strategy will require that the green wave fully and passionately embrace the principles of eco-equity.

Even if we can solve the carbon problem for coal, it is still a non-renewable resource. At some point, coal supplies will drop.

Civility isn't just some optional value in a multicultural, multistate democratic republic. Civility is the key to civilization.

In the fourth quadrant (lower right), working-class people are motivated to take on green-collar jobs and start green businesses.

In countries where there are real civil wars, people go through a lot, and we should be willing to go through a lot to help them.

The laws of supply and demand drive up the price, inevitably, over time. But solar and wind are abundant and renewable resources.

By kicking its carbon addiction, America will increase its national wealth and generate millions of jobs that can't be outsourced.

God chooses community sometimes to bear an unfair burden to force us to rise to the next level of consciousness and understanding.

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