As an actor, overexposure can affect you negatively if you keep repeating yourself. But thankfully, my films are really different from each other.

Shah Rukh Khan is such a gentleman that he doesn't intimidate anyone. He is nothing but sweet to everyone, and he has been absolutely amazing to me.

I believe in live-in relationships, but most of the time, I am living out of hotel rooms. So, I don't know where I would have a live-in relationship.

I am choosing films only to entertain people, but at the same time, if someone is putting their money into my films, I want that person to make money.

I have no issues in talking about my personal life, but I feel it takes away from my career and my characters, especially when a film is about to release.

After finishing my business administration course, I had gone to look for a job in a multinational bank, but the interviewee said that I should become an actor.

When I was growing up, I heard horror stories about producers losing their houses overnight. No matter who the family is, hearing of them getting evicted is very sad.

I used to have lot of arguments with my mother due to a lot of bruises on my body for trying my hand at wrestling. I used to say, 'I am Rock,' and I would get slapped.

When you are signing a film, you should not miss the beginning process which involves workshops and discussions; otherwise, it is difficult to understand the character.

A lot of people have agencies to handle their social media, but I handle everything myself. That's why there are a lot of grammatical errors. When I write, it's all me!

The real stars who have dedicated their services to the film industry are Salman Khan, Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan, and Akshay Kumar. I do not come in this league at all.

For me, fitness is a part of my everyday life. But fitness does not mean having big muscles; it means being active, quick, and flexible. It can be defined in many terms.

I'm not invincible. I am not picture-perfect. The reason I am here is not because of the money; if I get to entertain people and put a smile on their face, I feel content.

I have trained, but not really that much professionally. But 'ABCD2' has been the biggest training ground. I've been exposed to and learnt so many dance forms through this film.

I definitely think if you're born into the industry, you get easier access, but that's about it. I have never denied that, but after that, only talent and hard work sustains you.

When something is not liked by people, you cannot make it run, however big actor or producer you may be. The audience has to make it a hit. The power is in the hands of the public.

I am passionate about cinema in general. Eventually, I am making films for people to watch and enjoy, but somewhere, I have to be satisfied, too. I want to be happy after doing a film.

I don't think you need a particular day to dedicate to your dad or to make your father or parents feel special. A child should make his or her parents feel special every day and vice versa.

When I was in college, I was madly in love with a girl. But unfortunately, her father didn't approve of the match. He didn't like me because I was on the verge of joining the film industry.

The word 'star' is misused. A good film will never fail. And if you have become an actor to become a star, then your reason of being in this profession is wrong. It amounts to abusing the art.

My dream role would be a role that is entertaining and 'massy,' and it should be able to make people laugh and cry and make the audience scared of me and then make them fall in love with me again.

I always put myself in the audience's seat, whether it is a film like 'Judwaa 2' or 'Badlapur.' There has to be a message; the core story needs to have a hook, which should be out of the ordinary.

Goodness is something people take advantage of, and if you want to remain a good person for long, you should make sure that too many people don't take advantage of you because then you turn bitter.

I realise that women don't want to get treated differently but just equally. I don't know what feminism is all about, but I understand that women should be treated equally, and I endorse that thought.

Although there is a beast in all of us, we don't show it often. But it is very liberating to be that angry at times. Given a chance, I'm sure people would like to go on a rampage and break everything.

My whole outlook towards women changed after 'Badrinath Ki Dulhania.' I am a boy who is brought up in Mumbai, and I believe I am open-minded. But I realised that there were so many things my mind was not expanded to.

I have this dream of directing. But as a child, I wanted to become a wrestler. Like, in childhood, we used to watch WWF; I was inspired by all of that. One of my favourite wrestlers was Rock, who has become an actor.

I went through a big Jim Morrison phase where I grew my hair and wore those black leather pants. I even tried to get the boots, the chains, and I was full into getting that Jim Morrison vibe... but I didn't go overboard or try the mascara.

We are an industry, and we are all in this together and can't survive without each other. I feel it is high time we realise that. If we go against each other, or if we get happiness from other people's fall, then there is no way we will move ahead.

For me, the driving force is the audience, and the day that stops, I will stop doing films. The day a part of me stops feeling like putting a smile on someone else's face or if I feel like I don't want to entertain anymore, then I will pack up and leave.

In daily life, I'm not a heavy user anyway, but I'm extra careful online because of the kids who look up to me. That's the fun part of being an actor - that kids like you - because they are very pure and transparent in their likes and dislikes. There's no filter like the ones on Instagram.

Captain America is a matured and a balanced leader. This is something that I am not. So, that made it all the more challenging for me. 'Captain America: Civil War' is bigger, better, and the action is huge. It's a film for kids and adults, and the actual moral of the film is something I loved and believed in. So, I was very happy to voice it.

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