I have no time for it at all, when women just don't like women. I don't get it.

What do you wear on a running machine? I can't bring myself to wear flat shoes.

Drink whatever you like, just so long as it coordinates with your nail varnish.

If you can get your head around your dream it means your dream isn't big enough.

I have always loved fashion since I was a kid and customized my school uniforms.

I have started smiling! I've mastered this smirk; it's a smile that isn't a smile.

I'm a very driven, ambitious, positive person. But I'm a spiritual person as well.

I’m smiling on the inside. I feel I have a responsibility to the fashion community.

It's great when women support women. We need more women out there supporting women.

I spent the whole summer with my boobs out, breastfeeding. I loved it. It was heaven.

The Euro-bureaucrats are destroying every bit of national identity and individuality.

I take care of myself. I work out every day. I eat healthy. But I like to have fun too.

If you haven't got it. Fake it! Too short? Wear big high heels, but do practice walking!

I don't want to be made to look like I'm 25. I'm 39. I don't have any issues with my age.

People are mean on social media, whoever you are. It's a shame people have to be that way.

I've got a lot that I want to do, so I would like to expand my empire, for sure. I love it.

These people are amazing. It's so emotional I was thinking about wearing waterproof mascara.

I really am into crystals. I'm a real positive thinker. I believe in creative visualisation.

I'm very realistic. I know my boundaries - I know what I'm good at and what I'm not good at.

We are like a traveling circus, our family! We sing, we dance, we do football, we do fashion.

I'm not materialistic. I believe in presents from the heart, like a drawing that a child does.

I find it odd that people will go to a nice restaurant or to the theater in jeans and T-shirts.

I'm not one of these people that needs to feel loved. I don't need to see my picture everywhere.

I am very career minded, and I think my personality is more suited to America. I am a working mum.

I love what I do professionally, I'm really blessed. But my priority is my husband and my children.

When I dress in a certain way and do my hair and makeup in a certain way, it's not to get attention.

We get death threats, kidnapping threats. The press criticizes my weight. It's just the English way.

More than anyone, I am aware of the preconceptions. I was a Spice Girl. I'm married to a footballer.

I am very career minded, and I think my personality is more suited to America. I am a working mother.

The tusk is a very tactile shape, looks great among the other charms and is a cool piece that I like.

For me to go to America - which I find such a positive place - well, I took to it like a duck to water.

I don't know much about football. I know what a goal is, which is surely the main thing about football.

When I was on stage with the Spice Girls, I thought people were there to see the other four and not me.

Some people aren't satisfied that I'm a gay man in a woman's body and swear that I'm secretly a real boy.

Just as I love women, I love gay men. I always say it: inside me there is a gay man who wants to come out.

I'm not shy about asking the customer, because I want to talk about who she is and what she wants from me.

I don't believe anyone who says they don't care what people say about them. Of course they bloody well do.

The older you get, the more comfortable you become with yourself, and you accept what you have physically.

Fashion nowadays is all about product - bags and shoes - and you're kind of a product yourself, aren't you?

Someone once I asked my son Cruz, 'When's your birthday?' and he told them, 'It's just after Fashion Week!'

I'm living in Beverly Hills. I'm very, very lucky. I wake up every morning and I recognize that I'm blessed.

I'm a very, very healthy eater. I eat lots of fish, lots of vegetables, lots of fruit. I don't eat junk food.

I was very obsessed. I mean, I could tell you the fat content and the calorie content in absolutely anything.

I think the sexiest thing about a woman is confidence, but confidence in a humble way, not in an arrogant way.

In England, David and I are big fish in a small pond. But in L.A., we are tiny, tiny, tiny fish in a big pond.

Sunglasses always hide a multitude of sins. Sunglasses and a great pair of heels can turn most outfits around.

I want my kids to have a good work ethic. I believe you can achieve anything if you work hard enough to get it.

I like a man who can be a real friend, has a good sense of humor, a good pair of shoes and a healthy gold card.

I think I've achieved a lot in 41 years. I like how 41 feels; I feel good. I don't like how it sounds too much.

And while everybody was busy laughing, what was I doing? I was laying the foundation to what I have in place now.

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