Pudding is not a human right.

I was a sporadically bossy child.

I've never seen any 'Star Wars' movie.

We all look stupid in patterned tights.

The phrase 'working mum' makes me nervous.

I'm just a poker player who does a bit of TV.

I dreamed of growing up and becoming a zookeeper.

Seeking to ban things is as bossy as you can get.

I like snow, but I don't want to live in Siberia.

I've never danced while driving, nor put on makeup.

When I was at school, I got into trouble quite often.

I have cared so much and so little about the cars I've owned.

I don't really think of myself as stupid - but then, who does?

When I was 15, I still liked climbing trees and hiding in cupboards.

Half the point of education is to build peer groups and social bonds.

When I met my husband, he had never spent more than £10 on a haircut.

I do feel incredibly lucky to be making a living at things I love doing.

I don't know if I'm a writer who plays poker or a poker player who writes.

I'm too short-sighted, too squeamish for contact lenses and too vain for glasses.

I can be a bit weird, cross when I'm cross, tired when I'm tired, and hungry when I'm hungry.

I don't quite comprehend what Kim Kardashian is, where she came from, or why we talk about her.

They say multitasking is a female trait, but it's not about gender; it's about personality type.

I play poker, a game where there is no edge but the luck of the deal and the skill of the player.

The older you get, the more 'mindfulness' becomes about trying to remember why you came upstairs.

It is impossible to identify a nice scent from within the chemical cloud of a perfume department.

I'm no longer bossy in the honest sense; I've mastered (mistressed) the art of passive-aggression.

I have a complicated relationship with the zoo; maybe everyone does. It's so wonderful and so sad.

I'm really bored by the constant vilifying of people (especially women) for things they didn't say.

After a bath, we all love to dry off with a towel. But do we need it to survive? No. It's a luxury.

Given the choice, the majority of children wouldn't go to school at all. The whole thing's ghastly.

I've always hated the idea of carrying grudges and resentments around like a load of mouldy suitcases.

Given the choice, I'm sure the majority of children would rather have a packed lunch than school meals.

I am a big fan of Bournemouth, having enjoyed many happy hours on its sandy beach and crazy golf course.

Socks and sandals together are absolutely fine, as long as your flares are wide enough to cover your feet.

If you want to gnaw greenery in the morning for health reasons, do it in your own home with the curtains drawn.

Casino games such as roulette, blackjack, baccarat, slot machines and so on, are stacked in favour of the house.

A long time ago, my grandfather used to play blackjack with me, when I was very small, and I quite enjoyed that.

I tried doing yoga to see if it would make me a more patient person, but I lost interest after about six minutes.

In 'The Pianist,' Polanski transformed his ghastly knowledge of the camps into an act of artistic self-expression.

I'd like to be more decisive. I can take an hour to choose between two brands of washing powder in the supermarket.

When I was learning to drive, I thought the big milestones were changing gear, changing lane, and three-point-turns.

London Zoo is amazing. I want to take my child there so that she can feel the awe and wonder I felt (and feel) myself.

I've never understood why the knowledge training and rigorous testing of London cabbies isn't rolled out all over the U.K.

I won a prize for 'best sponge cake' at the Clacton Festival 2005. Having said that, I was only up against three other cakes.

It is weird, the relationship between people and food. It's always deeper than you think. It always stands for something else.

I was never, in my whole school career, given a job as a monitor, a form captain, or a prefect. I never won any kind of prize.

Never take your makeup off before bed. Sleep in it. That way, you're all ready to go if a hot postman rings the doorbell early.

Women are under-represented in TV comedy for a variety of reasons, the hackneyed 'fear that women aren't funny' being one of them.

I have quite a good card sense. My grandmother taught me to play bridge, so I had a reasonable sense of the cards and how they work.

The millions who watch 'Downton Abbey' do so neither relating to the Granthams nor hating them. It's an amused enjoyment of spectacle.

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