It's fun being beautiful. It's awesome.

Anything is possible in America, right?

I'm not like a runway skinny model, I'm more curvy.

The secret of a good marriage is don't ask too many questions.

On Sundays, that's my pig out day and I do the pizza and the beer.

I was a professional skier and it has always been in my blood to be active.

How I stay in shape? 12 hours a day in heels, I'm, literally moving all day long in heels.

When the cameras are there all the time you know, it's hard and you can't forget about them.

When I'm not working I do go to the gym and do my cardio but nothing beats the high-heel workout!

They are gorgeous. They have beautiful blue eyes and lovely dark hair - that's the typical Irish.

I would like to mud wrestle Angelina Jolie. She would probably beat me up, but I like a challenge and she is very sexy.

I've never had therapy, though I've been told I should. I talk to my Mom. I feel, like, if my mom can't cure me, who can?

I don't wake up in the morning thinking, 'God, I'm such a hot chick. I'm such a babe. I want to play it up and live it up everyday.'

I've lived in Monaco since 2011, but when I wake up every morning I still think, 'Oh my God, I'm living in Monaco!' I'm living in a dream.

I do get kind of jealous when I see women with children but look at Angelina Jolie, she is like a super mama and proof that you can have a career and a family.

Anyone who lives with a dog, as I do, knows that dogs are thinking, feeling individuals who do not deserve to be caged, scared and used as disposable test tubes with tails.

I started very young to model in Paris when I was 18, I remember like starving myself to fit into the clothes and it was an amazing experience but you know I did shows for Valentino, Chanel, so it was really prestigious.

Never work against what you are. I never have, and I've never minded being typecast. Some of my agents have been like: try and change, Victoria. Cut your hair off, colour it, have a breast reduction.You have to this and that, to get a serious acting role. But I would rather use what I am to my advantage.

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