It's great to know that you can rely on anyone.

The biggest pass for a defender is a pass forward.

What we experience in the Premier League is so intense.

I kind of almost get enjoyment out of adversity in life.

As long as I feel that inner strength, I'll be all right.

Everyone in Manchester in general has a positive mindset.

If a team prepares well, a good team becomes even better.

Racism is felt the most definitely in grassroots football.

I don't think you can underestimate the impact of the gaffer.

My motivation has always been high. I've never doubted myself.

I've been very lucky - I don't come from a privileged upbringing.

You can't compare Barcelona and Bayern Munich to Manchester City.

Chelsea are one of the most exciting teams in the Premier League.

Ultimately if you can win playing a certain way, then why not do it?

A win is a win, whether you do it the difficult way or the easy way.

I think people generally have a good heart and the intention to help.

You are not guaranteed to be part of that story if you don't perform.

Our generation has been described as a golden generation. I hate that term.

Everybody is different. Some players need a lot of rest and just be at home.

I always believe that luck and faith will be on my side more than the other side.

If you talk to a top accountant about his field of expertise, it's mind-boggling.

I don't think that people understand enough about each other's cultures any more.

Funnily enough, I think Gary Neville is very interesting... and talks a lot of sense.

Football is so intense you don't have time to sit back and look at what you have achieved.

Next year we have to be even better. If we want to be a big club this has to be one of many.

Only the very best clubs are able to pass the baton of continuity down through the generations.

Once I finish playing, I'm still a Manchester City player for the rest of my life. That won't change.

I'd rather give up most of my wealth to have the guarantee that I can carry on working for the rest of my life.

I kind of press pause when it's a derby, and the season doesn't matter to me anymore; it's all about the derby.

Sir Alex, one of the best managers of all time. After 26 years of success in the game, we all owe him a tribute.

I would say Pep Guardiola's No. 1 quality is that he sees the technical and tactical aspect of a game really fast.

Over the past decade, I've been lucky to have witnessed and played a part in Manchester City's rise as a club and a brand.

Maybe from the outside, Belgium looks complicated to understand, but from the inside, actually, every country is complicated.

There is one thing that is stronger than everything, and it is the colour of the shirt that you wear, and that is who you'll back.

I have been part of very successful City teams, but it was never at the end of a dominant season that we were able to win a title.

Guardiola has come to City with a very unique style. And he wants to continue that philosophy. We had to work to adapt to his style.

Pep's tactical and technical assessments are like nothing I've ever seen before, and I think that's why people enjoy to see him fail.

I'm not worried about getting extra game time, extra minutes, and all this kind of stuff that so many other players will worry about.

My mum was always more pushing me towards the academic side; she wasn't really interested in me having a professional football career.

I have dreamed of Brazil all my life. As a child, I had videos of Brazil, of their World Cup wins, of Pele, and of all the big players.

I've been able to come back at a high level which is something I'm happy about, not just stand on the pitch but able to perform as well.

I was extremely competitive, so for me becoming a footballer was not necessarily because it was about being the best - it was about winning.

When I was a kid, it was very common to go places and get racially abused, starting from age six all the way up until you got into the first team.

Brussels is sort of a mini London in the sense that if you think about putting a football pitch in London, people laugh at you. There is just no space.

I've been living in England for a while, and I am still trying to figure out why we have Great Britain playing the Olympics together and England in football.

I want my kids to go and see the world and understand they are privileged, but it doesn't mean they don't have the right to speak up and see what is happening.

We can't always wait on the government to sort out all issues. I think they set policies, they set the rules, but we all have a duty to help as much as we can.

When I was a kid in my neighborhood, there was nobody that supported Belgium. It was impossible and unthinkable because there was nothing they could relate to.

Being a successful team is maybe not enough. It's about setting a standard, not just for ourselves but also for the youth that is coming through at Manchester City.

We've had a humble upbringing. You know, my father came through as a political refugee; my mother comes from a hard-working-farmers family. We've had humble upbringing.

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