I'm a proper man.

I thank God every day.

Training is very tiring.

My heart is so peaceful.

We need to reinvent ourselves.

I am very loyal to my principles.

I lost a lot of money with sponsors.

I was the youngest champion of the UFC.

The truth is the Vintage Vitor never left.

The Holy Spirit gives me everything I need.

Fighters can fight into their 50s. Why not?

I'm fighting myself every day to get better.

I'd fight any beast in the jungle, you know?

Let me fight Jon Jones. I need that rematch.

I trained karate in 2001 to fight Heath Herring.

People don't know what pain is until they suffer.

Training is what sacrifices. I see that in my body.

Beginnings are easy, the thing is to finish the race

What I want is the belt. It doesn't matter who has it.

That's how I live my life, with belief. I am a winner.

I work for the UFC, and whoever they say I fight, I will.

Arrogance needs advertising, confidence speaks for itself.

I'm training like an animal. Nobody trains harder than me.

By the time I was 17 years old, I already had my black belt.

I have a life of sacrifice. I don't have a normal social life.

Everybody has haters and lovers. That's what life is all about.

Sometimes you fall down, but you have to pick yourself back up.

Life is about seasons, and I think you got to know the seasons.

I have tried hard to be a good person. It's something I live for.

I don't look to God for my wins. I look for God in my daily life.

It's not about motivation. It's about what's driven inside of you.

The worst thing in life is not to die but to live with bitterness.

The one thing the fans wanted to see is me getting the title shot.

I've had some ups and downs in my personal life, but I have overcame them.

I have lots of business outside of the Octagon, and I'm looking to have fun.

I believe the reason why I fight in Brazil is because I sell a lot in Brazil.

The way I want to be remembered is not the way I will be, and I'm cool with that.

It's never late to go after your dreams. All it takes is believing and hard work.

Legacy is not what I did for myself. It's what I'm doing for the next generation.

I do believe my legacy outside of the Octagon is just as good as it is inside of it.

You never show what you are going to do; you always do what the opponent doesn't expect.

I have been fighting and winning all the fights in my division. I think I deserve a title shot.

The river makes the water flow. That's how I live. I just let everything flow. Flow with the river.

Like in combat when you're in chaos, a Navy SEAL in chaos, you cannot be afraid of dying for a cause.

I've made mistakes but the beauty of life is that each regret builds character and makes us a better person

If you regret a mistake, don't just make that mistake again. Look at it and learn from it and grow from it.

With Carlson Gracie, who saw something in me, I started learning and loved mixing together the martial arts.

You're going to have to swallow Vitor Belfort. I'm going to reinvent myself and come back different every time.

The way you treat life, life will treat you back. Make sure you're happy with whatever is going on in your life.

I learned that education and sport are the bedrock for any person, but education comes first, no doubt about it.

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