Wins heal everything.

I play for peace and love.

In NBA anything is possible.

It's really tough in the NBA.

The better team sometimes loses.

I don't drive Yugo anymore, I drive Porsche.

I had a beautiful life as a basketball player.

Winning begins with culture and character matters.

In soccer, you don't want to see anybody get hurt.

Am I perfect? Not at all. I'm just like everybody else.

I would just like the people of Yugoslavia to live good.

I just think positive and positive things usually happen.

Playing basketball taught me the value of determination and teamwork.

I started playing in school. Lots of kids in Yugoslavia play basketball.

It's a team game. I feel happier when I pass the ball than when I score.

Love liberates you and gives you the power to make the impossible possible.

Kobe's legacy is definitely one of the best players to play this game ever.

It's always a good feeling when you can help instead of just receiving help.

That's what Europe brought to the NBA: the passing skills, the shooting skills.

The Lakers are really the biggest team in the world. Everybody knows the Lakers.

Going to Charlotte and being there two years, I missed L.A., but it was good for me.

To build a friendship takes so much time and so many years. To ruin it, just seconds.

I play my best when I'm enjoying myself. So whoever I play against, I try to have fun.

We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads.

Thank God there was no yellow card in basketball because I would get a red card every game.

Sport has built me as a man and taught me not just to compete, but to lead the team as well.

For a lot of Croats, if you're a Serb, they don't want to associate with you. It's just stupid.

When I came in the NBA, it was more a U.S. game. Now you can watch the NBA anywhere in the world.

I believe that love gives you the freedom and power to share your best self and to inspire others.

If the NBA wants me to be somebody who can say, 'It is flop or not?' I'll do that for free. For fun.

Throughout my professional basketball career, I have always voiced my patriotism for my native land.

I loved the fans here in Charlotte. They were very basketball-educated, very supportive of the team.

When I used to play, I loved playing international because it's more freedom and more ability to improve.

We take life... we should take it more seriously, because you never know what's going to happen tomorrow.

I think when you play with someone, you tend to pick up their game and try to develop something together.

Well, I tried to play defense. But when they did call a foul on Shaq, I tried to make sure they called a foul.

Being a role model was part of my life and I could either ignore it or take responsibility. I chose to take it.

The people of the Balkans are like a dysfunctional family. We may fight and argue, but in the end we are family.

Basketball is the opposite of selfishness, basketball is solely about giving and sharing and caring for one another.

Yugoslavia is a little country, and everybody likes basketball. If I don't play for my national team, everybody be sad.

I played basketball because I loved the game. I played because I was making a lot of friends around the world... It's fun.

My dream, play in NBA. When I come here, very difficult for me. It's new country, new language. But is still basketball for me.

When I decided to come to Sacramento, all my friends thought I was crazy. They said they still have cows and sheep around Arco.

I am thankful to the Kings organization, all the Kings fans, my family and all the people who supported me throughout my career.

I was taller than most of the kids. When I started playing basketball, my coach put me at point guard. Europeans do that sometimes.

The fans really know basketball in Sacramento. They knew when we really needed their support and they were a big part of our success here.

I don't know what is flopping. I think Derek Fisher does a better job of that than I do. It's taking a charge. It's for the refs to decide.

I like geography. I think I know every country in the world. If someone from another country plays for my team, I will know where he is from.

People in the NBA, as far as Europeans or international players, they respect them now. I didn't have any respect from anybody. I had to earn my way.

I didn't like it in the beginning, but later on, if I was in Jerry West's shoes, I would do the same thing. I would trade myself for Kobe, no-brainer.

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