Once Clinton won, I started picking on him.

We have to be able to poke fun at ourselves.

I work hard at my job, and I guess hard work pays off.

It's fun to take two topics and mix them into one cartoon.

Political hypocrisy and racism make me hot under the collar.

Youth is really in your attitude, not in what you look like.

People really love editorial cartoons, and I think publishers understand that.

Animated editorial cartoons are completely different from static editorial cartoons.

There are a lot of really great cartoonists out there. It's nice to be thought of as one of them.

Be happy that you're growing older, that you're maturing, that you're smarter, that you're wiser.

I still do the standard editorial cartoon: that is my bread and butter. I absolutely love doing that.

Student cartoonists as well as professionals should always be careful that they're not doing a cartoon that already has been done.

It's one thing to get a letter from your kid at camp telling you he wants to come home. It's another to get a letter from a grown child saying they're coming back to live with you!

With a standard editorial cartoon, you're taking tons of information and synthesizing it down to a single bite - a single moment in time. With animated editorial cartoons, it's more storytelling.

I think some days you should do a cartoon that is absolutely just for the laugh, and some days you should do a cartoon that just punches the reader right in the stomach. It's kind of nice to mix it up.

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