I'm a business owner.

Mayors are known to be problem-solvers.

I'm actually an American success story.

I've been defying the odds my entire life.

I think solving the problems of America is what's good.

Military-assault weapons have no place in civilian hands.

I guess my goal is to be the fittest mayor in the country.

I'm not backed by the super PACs and the big corporations.

The cost of a college degree has skyrocketed out of control.

I was the first of my siblings born here in the United States.

I'm not truly convinced solutions are coming out of Washington.

As president I will push for national student loan forgiveness.

America belongs to all of us. The promise of America belongs to all of us.

Construction will always be needed. You will always need to renovate projects.

Young people across the country have grown up traumatized by the gun violence epidemic.

I'm sensitive to the resources needed by a small business to get started and keep going.

What does Washington experience have to do with meeting the needs of the American people?

Wayne Messam does not have any financial problems and is a classic American Success Story.

Anything we can do to educate the younger generation about conservation of energy is great.

My parents immigrated to this country from Jamaica with no more than a fifth-grade education.

My parents' sacrifice and hard work obligated me to be successful, it wasn't an option to fail.

When you have a senior citizen who can't afford her prescription medicine, Washington is broken.

Attempts to minimize the deep racial wounds in our history only set our society as a whole back.

You only have one vessel. And the more we invest in our bodies, the better we feel about ourselves.

When you compare mayors to Washington insiders, Americans see that mayors actually get the job done.

I'm passionate about the American Dream because it's not a fictitious thing for me. It's real for me.

From an emotional standpoint it's very easy to say don't raise taxes, and no one wants to raise taxes.

Obviously as a mayor, I'm in competition with my neighboring cities as well as cities around the country.

I feel that this nation should open its doors to any person that would like to contribute to this society.

I think a common sense approach that provides health care coverage to all Americans is the best way forward.

As one of the largest states in the country, Florida's vibrant diversity is a key part of our nation's story.

We cannot allow those with mental illness or record of hate or violence access guns and terrorize this country.

Miramar is known as the aviation hub; many businesses right here in the city are supplying the aviation industry.

My experience at Florida State helped me to have the discipline to prepare as well as to endure challenging spots.

The real question should be, what does Washington experience have to do with meeting the needs of the American people?

I'm in business to make money. However, I'm a mayor who fought for a living wage. And I believe healthcare should be a right.

Our kids fear going to school in the morning, and their parents worry whether they will come home safely at the end of the day.

When you look at a mayor, Americans see mayors favorably. We are at the front line of what Americans are dealing with every day.

We are poised for greatness here in Miramar, our foundation is sound, the question is what are we going to do with the foundation?

I see that that 'American dream' is slipping away because we're not solving the problems of today, we're not planning for the future.

It is morally wrong for this country to require our citizens to take on tens of thousands of dollars of debt to achieve the American Dream.

Black Americans have organized all across this country because we have an unequal justice system, not because anyone demands special privileges.

Until we address the pervasive structural and interpersonal threats facing communities of color, we will remain unequipped to make equity a reality.

We need to reform our immigration system from top to bottom and make sure our country is not only safer for, but also more inclusive of, immigrants.

Black lives matter' doesn't mean that all lives do not matter, rather it is a cry for equal treatment in the greater circle of justice for all Americans.

Everyday people are graduating from universities with crippling debt, stifling their opportunity for financial mobility, that is what's broken with this country.

The people need someone who's closer to them and the American people need someone who will be their change agent and fight for the issues that are important to them.

I know what it feels like to hit financial turmoil, to be hit with the threat of losing your home. I kept working, I kept looking for resources to improve my situation.

The American people deserve to have access to as many qualified candidates as possible, not only the ones who can afford to buy name recognition or who already have it.

Any public official - regardless of political party - who fails to recognize the problem with devaluing subsections of your constituency is unfit to serve and must step aside.

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