I came from a very strict background.

If you think it, the camera will see it.

Great horror films don't win Academy Awards.

My mother wouldn't even let me read DC Comics.

Dad, girls don't fall down every time they run.

Horror films don't create fear. They release it.

My whole background was in voracious book-reading.

I had been a college teacher. I had taught Greek mythology.

If I'm going to be a caged bird, I'll sing the best song I can.

All I'm doing is rearranging the curtains in the insane asylum.

Everybody's making horror films and, to me, not especially well.

I come from a blue-collar family, and I'm just glad for the work.

The first monster you have to scare the audience with is yourself.

When you have a name that means scares, you have to live with that.

I never went to film school, so I never had the chance to be rejected.

In 'Scream,' there is very real drama that would be in almost any drama.

You learn a lot more from those bumps than from when things are going great.

I've experienced a great deal of, you know, ostracism from the making of films.

I didn't even know what a horror film was. I kind of made it up as I went along.

I came to terms with living mostly in a world of horror pictures or genre pictures.

My mother wouldn't even let me read DC Comics. I came from a very strict background.

I'm the kind of director, at any given moment, an idea occurs to me, I'll just do it.

How can you have 'Scream' without Ghostface? It's like 'Friday the 13th' without Jason.

It's quite rare that you make something and think that you did something that no-one else had done.

A collection of masks, depicting historical figures in life and what I like to call the eternal repose.

I like to address the fears of my culture. I believe it`s good to face the enemy, for the enemy is fear.

I love the fact that a lot of my audience is people from the inner city. African-Americans love my films.

Everybody is afraid of the unknown. Everybody is afraid of the people that they've done terrible things to!

I went to a Christian college. You would be expelled if you were caught in a movie theater. It was ridiculous.

I think the important thing about staying creative and staying sharp and original is not to look back too much.

But I made him the Deputy Secretary for Homeland Security because that added an element of political espionage.

A big part of directing is being strong in certain circumstances and taking the gamble and hope you don't get fired.

My mother never saw any of my films until she was in her late 80s, and that was 'Music of the Heart' with Meryl Streep.

I think if anybody had a roll of dice with a lot of money at stake, they would not want Wes Craven and a romantic comedy.

I was anathema in polite society after I made 'Last House.' People literally would grab their children and run from the room.

People who are kind of at the cutting edge of life and survival, and being near the nitty-gritty, like my films, and I like that.

If something comes along that is totally outside of horror, fine, but I find there's an immense amount of freedom within the genre.

I was paralyzed from the chest down when I was 19, so I kind of put my head together about dying, and I think I've come to terms with it.

Stories and narratives are one of the most powerful things in humanity. They're devices for dealing with the chaotic danger of existence.

If you're in a theater, people are texting, all around you. You have the little glowing screens everywhere. Think of how annoying that can be.

As long as you keep the audience on the edge of their seats, either scare them or keep them guessing, you can put anything in there that you want.

My goal is to die in my 90s on the set, say, 'That's a wrap,' after the last shot, fall over dead, and have the grips go out and raise a beer to me.

When you do a film like 'My Soul to Take,' and people think it sucks, that hurts. We put a lot of work into it, and it's a good film, but you go on.

I have a lot of fans who are people of color. I think, if nothing else, I kind of understand that sense of being on the outside looking in, culturally.

I learned to take the first job that you have in the business that you want to get into. It doesn't matter what that job is, you get your foot in the door.

I make something I can look at and say, "That's a good piece of work, and there's some terrific directing and acting in it, and you should be proud of it."

All of us have our individual curses, something that we are uncomfortable with and something that we have to deal with, like me making horror films, perhaps.

It's great to be thought of as the master of anything. Even idiocy. Master of idiocy, Wes Craven. But if it's master of horror or fear or whatever, that's great.

I came from a very strict background. [So if you want to make a scary movie] if you were raised as a fundamentalist, just pull all the skeletons out of your closet.

Within the structure of 'Scream 4,' there is the film within a film, but that's been part of the 'Scream' franchise since 'Scream 2,' when you had the 'Stab' franchise.

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