Love lasts forever.

I don't despise people.

Philanthropy is my job.

Romantic love is painful.

I love the Asian countries.

I have ADHD. I'll admit it.

Tom Jones is like igloo-cool.

Code writers, they are my idols.

I'm like a mama's boy and stuff.

My attention span is very short.

I can procrastinate a little bit.

I don't want to preach to people.

Waste is only waste if we waste it.

I don't need anyone to validate me.

'Transformers' inspired me as a kid.

I'm fascinated with quantum physics.

Great coders are today’s rock stars.

Black Eyed Peas is a chameleon group.

I'm from east LA. I don't see colour.

I've been truly protected by my uncles.

Trump affects the world in a major way.

I don't dream to be like mega crazy rich.

Likeminded folks shop in the same circles.

There's an entry point to any relationship.

I don't follow waves or trends or emotions.

I don't know what silence sounds like anymore.

I remember when I was 19, it was pretty tough.

Things don’t have to end. They can begin again.

Look at the world. See the problem. And solve it

Fashion is becoming the same thing as our devices.

I have a pro tools rig that I carry in my backpack.

I don't have political agendas. I have social agendas.

We need to forge a whole new energy and American Dream.

Hip-hop was fast, originally. It was always fast music.

Crime and violence are the easiest emotions to reenact.

In future we'll have a different type of rich and poor.

I read Twitter all the time, even though I rarely tweet.

I know people in gangs; I could have went down that route.

It should be mandatory that you understand computer science.

The only colour I see is this wonderful green and blue planet.

I don't want to tell people where to go get all my cool stuff.

I've got Republican fans. Republicans like the Black Eyed Peas.

If you want to be a better web hacker, hang out with a painter.

Not many people give you a vision of what the future will bring.

Every single song that I've listened to is in my memory forever.

If you know how to freestyle, you will never have writer's block.

America has to be not just an idea but a living, breathing thing.

I can't be quiet, as that's when I notice the ringing in my ears.

I love India, Russia and touring has made me many friends abroad.

I can like something. You can like something. It's not an absolute.

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