I'm always open to collaborations.

I like to sing R&B slow jams. It's always been my thing.

You get butterflies when you see all the fans screaming.

I will continue to work hard until I get to where I want to be.

I see a lot of Filipino fans supporting me, so I want to give back the love.

I was so naive to think once you sign, it's all good, and you are a superstar.

Deep down inside, I do feel, at times, that I have to prove to people that I'm actually an artist.

'X Factor' did a lot for me, but things truly started to take off for me when I went to social media.

Some people would say, 'Nah, he's just a YouTube kid.' But I sing, play instruments; I can mix, master, and engineer - all those stuff.

I'm trying to break away from doing covers or from being considered only as a YouTube star. I'm a singer, songwriter, sound engineer, and producer.

I never started doing the videos because I thought they were going to get millions of views. I started doing them because I was at home, and I was bored.

There are a lot of singers, but they weren't doing it the way I was, taking an Adele song and putting a hip hop beat behind it to make it a different song.

A lot of artists are blind to how to use these crucial social media platforms - you don't have to put all your faith on other people; you can do it yourself.

For everyone who hated, there are a hundred people who showed me love, and so, you know, I'm going to spend time showing them love than focusing on the negatives.

Songwriting was definitely first. I started singing, and then I was rapping; then I went back to singing. As I was growing up, I just taught myself piano and guitar.

I was raised by my father, who was a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and bass player. His brothers all did the same thing, so I was kind of always raised around the music.

I'd like to write about whatever is going on with me at that point of time or situations I'm - which I'm sure a lot of people can relate with. I mean, I'm a deep person. I'd like to dig deep into the psyche, but at the same time, you make things that are gonna lift everyone up.

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