Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start ...

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.

I'm a romantic slob!

I believe in looseness.

America, to me, is freedom.

I like to play small clubs.

I'm drowning in whiskey river.

A lot of country music is sad.

What goes around, comes around.

Fortunately, we are not in control.

I don't like to think too far ahead.

Freedom is control in your own life.

I smoke pot every day, and I love it!

I didn't come here and I ain't leavin'.

Just can't wait to get on the road again

If a song was ever good, it's still good.

I'm an old fashioned joint smoker ya know.

I just enjoy both working and not working.

I don't smoke as many joints as I used to.

Great songs stand out wherever they're from.

I still probably smoke as much as I ever did!

You could try to live monogamously. Good luck.

It doesn't hurt to feel sad from time to time.

Be here. Be present. Wherever you are, be there.

The life I love is making music with my friends.

I like myself better when I'm writing regularly.

It was and is always nice to work with the kids.

Indecision may or may not be our biggest problem.

Love is like a dying ember, only memories remain.

I guess if you can't sing, you better have a style!

Whoever supports the farmer is the guy for America.

Most of the stuff I've read about me has been true.

I got in at 2 with a 10, and woke up at 10 with a 2.

Be gentle with your words - you can't take them back.

There are more old drunks than there are old doctors.

I think most art comes out of poverty and hard times.

Just take what you need from the ladies and leave them.

If you go to a magic show, you don't want to see logic.

You don't have to be poor to need something or somebody.

You can't make a record if you ain't got nothin' to say.

My fans are very forgiving. So are my wives and my kids.

You know why divorces are so expensive? They're worth it.

Nothing lasts forever, but old Fords and a natural stone.

Waylon Jennings and I had a lot of fun recording together.

Inside every cowboy there's a lady who'd love to slip out.

Three chords and the truth - that's what a country song is.

When you hear me, you know it's me, regardless of the song.

You will never find happiness until you stop looking for it.

When I'm driving the highway by myself is when I write best.

...when you put your life in a good place, good things follow.

When evolution has been outlawed, only the outlaws will evolve.

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