My skin's not a normal sight.

There is beauty in everything.

Kids called me a cow and mooed at me.

I don't want to be put in a category.

My modelling career is about hard work.

The more people see, the more they want to see.

It's amazing what a little encouragement can do.

I am not my skin. I am a model with a skin condition.

I always loved the spotlight, just not the negativity.

I loved reading magazines about the entertainment world.

With vitiligo, my skin is sensitive in extreme temperatures.

People have black skin, people have brown skin. I have both.

I'm not a vitiligo spokesperson just because I have vitiligo.

I feel like people put too much on the title of a role model.

I was a lucky kid, and I grew up connected to a lot of people.

I could more label myself as even a spokeswoman for happiness!

I liked to hang around my mom's beauty salon, watching her do hair.

I have my flaws, but I embrace them and I love them because they're mine.

Focus on your opinion of yourself and not the opinion others have of you.

I don't think it's good to focus on being celebrated but to celebrate yourself.

I try to keep my skincare routine very simple and don't put too much on my face.

If I'm running around or just hanging out at home, then I barely wear any make-up.

I don't remember my skin changing, but I do recall feeling deeply loved by my family.

Chantelle Winnie is my birth name. Chantelle Winnie Harlow, I call her my Sasha Fierce.

I'm happy to inspire your seven-year-old child, but I do not want to be her role model.

Winnie Harlow is my alter ego like how Beyonce refers to her stage name as Sasha Fierce.

We lived on our own for a very long time, and those are my happiest years, me and my mom.

If one day I'm all black, I'm still a model. If one day I'm all white, I'm still a model.

I definitely hope and I feel that I am inspiring, but I don't like the word 'role model.'

You think of floating on a rock in space as so alien, but that's exactly what we're doing.

My mom will sometimes call me Winnie. It's so annoying. I'm like, 'Who are you talking to?'

I've never been a die-hard Beyonce fan. I always thought she was inspirational and beautiful.

Vitiligo is just another difference, like freckles, big hair, tiny ears Everyone has differences.

I more so appreciate people loving the fact that I love myself and not just glorifying my skin or me.

I want to see different faces on the covers of magazines, the stars of movies, featured on billboards.

I loved myself. And with that, opportunities start to fall into my lap. And I thank God for all of them.

You should be careful what you choose to see as a role model, whereas inspiration can come from anywhere.

I am the underdog, and I want to prove that one can follow one's dreams despite all the flaws and setbacks.

I feel like I have so many amazing opportunities because of my immigrant mother, my immigrant grandparents.

I am literally just a human. I have the same brain as you; there's a skeleton under my skin just like yours.

I don't perm my hair anymore, but I'm not a natural hair expert just because it grows out of my head like that.

I remember sitting by my window, wishing upon the stars that my skin condition would go away. I wondered, 'Why me?'

When I was in high school, I wanted to be so thick that I'd eat all the pizza and all the McDonald's and everything.

I had to relearn how to love myself by forgetting the opinions of everyone else and focusing on my opinion of myself.

It's weird to me for people to stare at me, because I feel like I'm normal. I don't see what there is to stare about.

I wasn't born with vitiligo. It developed when I was 4 years old. My skin changed dramatically over the next few years.

I wasn't part of the BeyHive before I met her, but after my experience working with her, meeting her, I'm a die-hard fan.

For me, honestly, the term 'role model' means for someone to be imitated, and I don't feel like anyone is to be imitated.

Some rules are there for a reason - but it's one thing to have a rule that protects and another to have rules that stifle.

To be completely honest, I never thought I could become a model growing up. I actually wanted to be an entertainment journalist.

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