Maybe one day there can be us again, but if not f-k it then.

I see myself as like the lead singer of a band or something.

I didn't have the nicer things. I had to go out and get them.

The haters can't see me, the money's in the way like traffic.

Since I was younger I've been making the best out of nothing.

My music and my fan base is really built off of my lifestyle.

The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win.

Small ideas that turn into big ideas - that really inspires me.

Started underneath the floor, Now my money through the ceiling.

Did a show and got a half a mil and spent it like it's nothing.

Got a hundred grand in my ash tray, spend a 100 k on a bad day.

My life, my choices, my mistakes, my lessons- NOT YOUR BUSINESS.

I don't have problems with people, because if I do, I address it.

I critique myself way harder than anybody else could critique me.

People connect with me just as a cool, around-the-way type of guy.

I fell asleep on a plane and never woke and now I'm livin a dream.

Ball so hard that you can't win it. So much money bank can't fit it.

Long as me and my team in here, There's gon' be some weed in the air!

Every day is new. It's just a new day. I look at six hours at a time.

I have an idea of who I want to be, I have a vision of my own success.

I groom, but it doesn't take me a long time to get to what people see.

I've done a lot of work to get where I'm at, but I have to keep working.

Take a chance because you never know how perfect something can turn out.

Went from hated on to n-ggas trying to go down the same road I made it on.

I hear them n-ggas talkin sh-t, but there ain't that much that they can do.

It's so hard for cool people these days. They just don't want us to be hip.

It’s funny how all the fussing and fighting turns into us f-king and flying.

I think wherever you go, when people hear good music, they will react to it.

They say we're too young to love, but maybe they're just too old to remember.

The things that we crave the most are the things that destroy us the quickest.

Amazed how I get so much paper? I'm more amazed how you could be such a hater!

I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted on the wrong people.

Do what you want, if it is something you did regret the next day, sleep in late.

Grow some more weed and get medicated, everyday is a holiday so we celebrate it.

"I love you" takes 3 seconds to say, 3 hours to explain, and a lifetime to prove.

I cannot imagine live without two things, First is cigarette and second are girls.

A man who treats his women like a princess is proof that he was raised by a queen.

The past cannot be changed or forgotten, edited or erased. It can only be accepted.

Just because the past taps you on the shoulder, does not mean you have to look back.

Whatever I do, I do it because I want to do it and because it's completely, 100% me.

Rolex, mo sex, good weed, no stress, run my town, arms, chest, lift weights, bowflex

In each mind resides a potential so potent. They make us think that we ain't got it.

My live performance, it just comes from feeling an energy and emotion from the crowd.

Worrying is stupid. it's like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain.

Sometimes it's easier to pretend that you don't care, than to admit it's killing you.

It's a little too late. I'm a little too gone. A little too tired of just hanging on.

Them haters in your face you just ignore them. Don't know what they talking sh-t for.

Even with whatever people want to label me with, there are so many other sides to me.

When this song come on, I'm spending money...Play something I can spend some money to.

If you think it's necessary to judge me by my past, don't get mad when I put you there.

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