I just go with the flow.

Troy Walters and I coached together.

I place value on my family above everything else.

It's unfortunate to lose guys in their rookie year.

I take a lot of pride in connecting with people - period.

I've got 'Lost' and '24' on TiVo. And I'm an 'American Idol' fan.

It's easy to give up. It's even easier to start pointing fingers.

I learn so much from Sean McVay every single day that I'm around him.

I am happy and fortunate to join the Cincinnati Bengals as head coach.

I thought it was the coolest thing in the world to be in an NFL office.

And after my interview with the Bengals, I knew this was the job for me.

I've been around some great coaches and learned a lot from every single stop I've had.

I'd like to think I have good recall of games I've been a part of and plays I've been a part of.

But I've been blessed to have some great opportunities and have a great family that comes along for the ride.

There's plenty of times in my life I've coached against my brother, coached against people I've coached with.

When you're out there, you aren't paying attention to who you're throwing to. You're looking for the guy that's open.

Like any year, any year with any team, you're always going to look to the draft to help strengthen your roster and free agency.

What I do notice is, man, I sleep hard. When my head hits the pillow at night, it feels like five o'clock rolls around real quick.

Peyton Manning's been my guy since the sixth grade. My cousin bought me a Tennessee Volunteers No. 16 jersey. He's been my guy since then.

It's all ball, all the time. You have no excuse to not watch anything you've ever wanted to study in your life, especially in the offseason.

I have a high opinion of Andy Dalton. Going back to 2010, I think I watched every single snap he played at TCU his senior year when I was at Texas A&M.

Guys who aren't going to be brought down on first contact, they'll get you fired up. When you see guys spinning away and getting extra yards, it fires you up.

The people that we met when we lived in Cincinnati, the Midwestern values - I'm from Oklahoma, my wife's from Green Bay - we felt at home in the year we were here.

Also, I'm obviously a big Tom Brady fan. Everybody loves him. I just like guys like that who have worked hard to get where they're at and have had a lot of success.

You dream about being in the shotgun and letting your receivers go to work, and making plays with no time left. That's definitely been a dream of mine my whole life.

My father-in-law, Mike Sherman, coached a long, long time, and he just said, 'Be true to yourself. Be who you are, and people will follow you.' And I found that way to work for me.

I think, you think critically all day, you've got a lot of decisions to make, so you've got to make sure that you take a couple of seconds every day to relax your brain a little bit.

If I try to be Sean McVay, I'm going to fail, to be quite honest with you. We're different people. I've learned a lot from him, but I'm going to be Zac Taylor and do the best I can my way.

Well, I think I've had the opportunity to be around some great coaches and players. And I have been able to learn a little bit, something different from every single one that I've been around.

Everyone in Norman knew our block. There were five kids in our neighborhood who started at QB in high school. We had Division-I athletes from a number of sports available to play at any moment.

I don't think I'm ever surprised at how high the quarterbacks go. There could be a lot of teams that often times don't have a lot of first-round grades on guys that are going in the first round, and that's just the nature of the business.

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