I would love to be in Manchester on the roster.

I'm a nice guy. And I like to enjoy life, and be around people I love.

I am eager to continue to put in the work to improve and be the best teammate I can.

I watched the Premier League every weekend with my dad - the highlight shows, everything.

There's a lot of nerves, a lot of excitement, a little bit of sadness leaving the chapter in Columbus.

And when I hang up my boots and gloves at the end, I want to tell myself I gave everything to the sport.

There are always going to be your supporters, and then there are going to be haters. I kind of laugh at them.

There are days where I'm at the facility almost all day long. It's definitely demanding mentally and physically.

As a goalkeeper, you have so much time back there where you're alone, and you're talking to yourself in your head.

I trust in Man City and what plans they have for me. If everything works out and everything falls into place, anything can happen.

It's an amazing life, don't get me wrong. But being a professional athlete, is… is not as glamorous as everybody sets it out to be.

I've had my stint at Columbus. My family has been right by my side throughout, and that's exactly what I wanted. I found my happiness.

I can look forward to that. Getting back over to Europe and playing at a little bit higher level, then hopefully becoming a leader for the national team.

Columbus is considered my second home, so I definitely miss Columbus for many different reasons. I definitely miss the good times I had there and I miss the guys for sure.

Any success that I have had as a goalkeeper in MLS with Crew SC is a testament to those around me who have pushed me - teammates, coaches, staff, family, friends and supporters.

Everyone has different paths. I've been lucky to have a good support system - my family, friends and colleagues to keep me grounded and humble and to keep working hard. I never give up.

I think it will be good to be in Columbus and get pushed there and then go overseas. If there is a loan, it will be good to get comfortable and get games and get used to the pace of European soccer.

David Rouse, a goalkeeping scout for Manchester City, came over for maybe a week in October. He was an awesome guy. He showed me what kind of club they were like. We talked about Manchester City. He watched me and watched a game.

I went to Germany taking a chance on seeing what Europe was like, and taking on that new challenge. Obviously it wasn't for me at the time, but I always had that goal to come back to the U.S. and work hard and hopefully go back to Europe.

I want to win games, want to win championships. I want to go to the World Cup. I want to win a World Cup. I want to play in Champions League. I want to have fun throughout all of that, and I want my family to be a part of that through the entire path.

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