I'm my own psychologist.

Music is a unifying force.

Children are not a burden.

Nobody owns me or my music.

Love is more than one thing.

People love me everywhere I go.

A record is a message, timeless.

What inspires me is the universe.

Success to me does not mean money.

I've tried body surfing. It's nice.

I like Flea, I like him as a musician.

I've never read one book about my father.

The roots of my music start from the ghetto.

I'm into anything that really helps children.

I am a compassionate human being. I am who I am.

There's more to life than physical and material.

My father speaks for himself, through his music.

I don't have to wait to realize the good old days.

The music I do is food... that will be your dinner.

It's natural that anyone is compared to their father.

Children are wonderful, and they add to my whole life.

Art is always good. It just depends if you like or not.

There's a rainbow in the sky, all the time, don't be blind

Each father wants their sons to be just like them, really.

Hemp is a part of the cannabis plant and it is very useful.

How come "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing?

Hemp is a part of the cannabis plant, and it is very useful.

Using political tools to change social conditions won't work.

I don't believe in other people's ideas. I have my own ideas.

I am expressing myself truthfully. That is an important thing.

Old music used to mean something. There is none of that today.

Everything is connected. There is nothing that is not connected.

People have to know there is more to living than physical things.

In my songs, the sex is all subliminal. It's subliminal, spiritual.

I just got into the Beatles a couple years ago, you know, I like it.

Jamaica has problems; America has problems; everywhere has problems.

Kids are an important audience to reach for the future of the planet.

The truth - you've got to deal with it or it will kill you bit by bit.

It takes years to develop into the kind of human being you want to be.

Some of my songs I don't do on tour because they don't work well live.

My father was interested in bringing reggae music to the entire world.

I think God surrounds us, in all different manifestations of the energy.

Working on my own gave me a chance to take my time and experiment a lot.

Last time I was in Jamaica I financed a teacher to teach in an orphanage.

Music is one of the most essential things in life. It is what teaches us.

I prefer the country life. I live in Kingston, but there is lots of trees.

I don't chase what I hear on the radio. I try not to compete with anybody.

I never did feel any pressure in Jamaica. You just someone, not nobody big.

I'm inspired to do music. I really can't stop unless I stop being inspired.

Everyone will someday be judged for what they do, and Jah is the only judge.

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