I never wanted to be a playwright.

I'm pretty sure I ate ants in Mexico.

I will be a broken record for justice.

I'm klutzy, and I don't embarrass easily.

If I'm not working, I don't feel complete.

I quite enjoy a high-waisted cotton panty.

I'm a very serious person. Unfortunately, sometimes.

I don't like pretentious films or pretentious people.

I don't want to do every independent film offered to me.

I don't have a lot of patience for boring arthouse movies.

What I did have was an incredible amount of belief in myself.

Nothing's going to come to you by sitting around and waiting for it.

I really love people. I love to meet people. I'm curious about people.

I want to derive pleasure from this planet and put pleasure back into it.

It's a good thing I learned some humility and perspective as I got older.

I do feel like I have the superpower of not caring about my body as an actor.

I love to act and that's sort of my first love. That's what I started out doing.

I always wrote. My parents are writers. It just seemed like something people did.

If I didn't find art valuable, I would stop doing my work and only work for justice.

I think most actors jump at the chance to do something where the camera's on them all the time.

If I ever feel that acting is just soul-sucking and I don't want to do it anymore, I could stop.

I have mad luck. I'm super-good at games like backgammon or anything that requires rolling dice.

I'm not that interested in writing for myself. That's not where my impetus as a writer comes from.

I would not wear any clothes that had a brand name on them, and I only read books that were canonical.

I've worked with a lot of really famous people. It stops being weird really quickly. For me, at least.

I do not do my own taxes. It's too many forms. "Here are my 70,000 forms. I have no idea."I would be in jail.

I wouldn't wear makeup, and I didn't like to let boys open the door for me because I felt like it was sexist.

Historically, art and music and writing and film have been one of the only tools that is effective against tyranny.

My hero is Michelle Williams, who I grew close to when we did 'Meek's Cutoff.' She's an extraordinary actor and mom.

Anytime that I've felt uninspired, I don't force myself to sit down and write. I only do it when I feel the impulse.

And when I get bored, it's like the worst parts of me come out. I really veer to self-destructive tendencies quickly.

I took a writing class in college, liked it, and my first year out of school I couldn't get a job, so I wrote a play.

I think action should be revealed through character, so if you have a plot problem, it's probably a character problem.

You set up the story, but the characters start talking, and they go places that you didn't expect. You have to follow.

I find playwriting really painful. I love it, or I wouldn't do it, but I don't love the theater as much as I love movies.

When I'm writing, I look like a fool because the parts are moving through me and I'm crying and laughing and making faces.

In New York you can just walk out and be among people. You're on the subway among people, you go to cafes, you can talk to people.

I've gotten incredibly lucky with the people I've gotten to work with. It's made my mind better, and it's made me a better person.

I stopped Googling myself a long time ago. I'm sure there's plenty of misinformation out there, but I am blissfully unaware of it.

Every role requires its own set of tools, and I think, because of that, it is very hard to ever feel totally prepared or totally able.

I'm used to very low-budget situations. In 'The Exploding Girl,' we were literally changing in Starbucks because we didn't have trailers.

I hate going to bed. I read scripts, clean, listen to the radio - I've fallen asleep to 'This American Life' more times than I can count!

I've definitely gotten to work with female directors, and I feel lucky because of that. I just feel like more voices should be represented.

I'm always disappointed after an audition when I don't get a part and I hear, "Oh, she was too X, or too Y," and it's too much of a quality.

I find playwriting to be incredibly difficult compared to screenwriting. Part of it is that I grew up watching movies and not watching plays.

When we do something we're not proud of, a lot of people don't want to look at that, people may say "what people don't know won't hurt them."

I think even probably the people we look up to the most, and think are on the Mount Olympus of actors - they're still experiencing nervousness.

We all have our essential nature. If you're good with numbers, you don't even know you're good with numbers because that's how your mind works.

Part of the challenge of being a girl living in the 21st Century, looking back, the danger is to not judge your character by your own standards.

I think the written word is my first love. I was just a very imagination - centered child and a big part of that imaginary life came from reading.

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