Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, ...

Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful.

I'm not a very organized person.

My dad dated a lot of supermodels.

I'm a New Yorker; I've paid my dues.

Turquoise is my birthstone; Im a Sagittarius.

Turquoise is my birthstone; I'm a Sagittarius.

I feel like most creative people are total freaks.

I think less is more in terms of makeup in general.

People love teen movies because everyone can relate.

Once women find sisterhood, there's nothing stronger.

One of my favorite movies of all time is 'Bugsy Malone.'

I get so nervous before I go onstage - beyond butterflies!

I'm pretty much a thrift shop gal. Flea markets on Sundays.

Artists also have the responsibility of reflecting the truth.

Fame has become this obsession for people, which kind of creeps me out.

Being home is like a vacation to me, so I'm trying to get my home together.

My style is very inspired by both my parents, so we all have the same taste.

I'm happy to just sit in a cafe and watch people. It's my favorite thing to do, for sure.

I would fly to Los Angeles just for a cheeseburger with pickles and extra tomatoes from In-N-Out.

My mother's a... beautiful woman, and I think, in some way, I felt intimidated by that sometimes.

I'd love to do a comedy; that's the one thing I haven't done yet that I really, really want to do.

I had a really hard time when I was 16, 17, 18. I started with the eating disorder in high school.

I like photography and I write; I also write music. One day I would like to direct [films] as well.

I'm obsessed with Juice Press - they're everywhere. I spend so much money at that place it's crazy.

Anyone that is able to put a high school film and gonzo journalism together, it's like, "Yes, please!"

If you're not taking care of yourself, lipstick and foundation isn't really going to do anything for you.

When you're making an independent film and you care about it so much you do all the prep work beforehand.

Women that look like me [the black ones] need to see more of themselves in social media, in film, in music.

My dad has totally taken my Cat Stevens T-shirt, but it's OK; I have his Black Flag one, and that's amazing.

The '60s is one of my favourite eras in general. I love '60s music, and I've always wanted to do a period film.

That's the most important thing in art: to be aware, pay attention, be inspired - but it should come ultimately from you.

Music and acting are the most prominent. But I don't like to compare them, since they're both very, very important to me.

Im a total weirdo and have often felt like an outcast and a freak, and I love that. It makes things so much more exciting.

I'm a total weirdo and have often felt like an outcast and a freak, and I love that. It makes things so much more exciting.

Acting and making art is just something I love to do, and I love to tell stories that feel important, honest and necessary.

The thing that my parents have always taught me is that beauty comes from the inside, and also that beauty stems from health.

I never had a real job. I started acting in high school, and then I started working. So, I never got to have that experience.

I think it's important to represent black women and our natural hair. Not wearing a weave is totally beautiful and acceptable.

I don't really have a beauty routine. I always use coconut oil, and I always wear mascara. That's kind of it! I'm pretty simple.

I love London; I could totally live here, actually. I'm in New York most of the time, and it really reminds me a lot of New York.

I see the human in everyone and everything. No one is more important than anyone else; I still hang out with my high school friends.

I live in Brooklyn, in Williamsburg, so I just like to wander around. Williamsburg's such a cool little neighborhood community spot.

When I have trouble sleeping, I'll read, watch old episodes of 'Sex and the City,' or dance around my house. Music helps me wind down.

The one thing about art is you can't question it. Everyone is looking at everyone else to find out what's cool. No one knows what's cool.

The kinds of things I like with crystals are the really beautiful costume jewelry, vintage pieces, and they usually have that diamond shape.

I don't wear a lot of perfumey-perfumes because I think a lot of them smell like you're wearing perfume. And I don't want to smell like that.

It's sad to have to leave your family but I like the idea of someone believing in something so strongly that are willing to find a new family.

I feel like whole idea with makeup is that I don't want anyone to think, 'Oh she's wearing makeup.' I just want them to think, 'Oh she looks good!'

TV is part of your life - it makes you feel connected to the rest of the world - as opposed to someone else's perspective crushed into a few hours.

When I think of my version of a role model, it's not about being the perfect Samaritan; it's just being out there and being honest and happily imperfect.

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