Do your eye shadow first, then your foundation. That way, you can clean up any mess without starting all over again.

I'm always interested in hearing how other people read and react to my songs. I hadn't thought of it in just that way.

Take it back Oh, take it back I don't want your lovin', anymore Let me live Oh, let me live It's not you who I sing for

I think that if you haven't been to the grocery store in a really long time, it's really easy to get very out of touch.

I still have in me the same awareness when I was 12 and chubby and a girl was spitting in my face. I'm the same person.

We are all made of air There's stars in my eyes and there's sun in my hair And I'm runnin' away, it makes me feel better

Everyone has the heartbreak that shapes them in a way that they could never go back to the innocence that they had before.

I can't go on Gawker. I actually think the writing is really funny, but there is a chance that somebody is undercutting me.

I was doing about five movies a year for many years. I was just so tired. I walked around feeling like a Mack truck hit me.

I'm the worst at picking what movies are going to do well. I have no idea. I'm really surprised if a movie I like does well.

I accidentally entered a youth pageant when I was 14. That's like a beauty pageant, but without the beauty. It was terrible.

I'll write and make chords with my voice sometimes if I don't have an instrument even though it takes a million times longer.

I like to learn things slow, I like learning alot, I like to get it all again and in the end, You know you get what you got...

I don't like business talkers, you know, people who are constantly like, 'Blah blah blah movies.' I find it incredibly boring.

After staring at origami directions long enough, you sort of become one with them and start understanding them from the inside.

I've been watching a lot of Joni Mitchell YouTube clips and I can't believe her transformation from this folk singer in Canada.

I think it's better to have your personal life and your work life separate. That way they don't corrupt each other, so to speak.

I'm not going to say I'm a big girl. I'm a very small person, but I'm a healthy weight. That might be a little weird for Hollywood.

I feel like making music because - and this has much to do with the way I was able to make this record - there's more of myself in it.

I think that it's our responsibility to create a world in which girls can grow up and not have to limit their dreams or possibilities.

I think my knowledge of music theory is rooted in jazz theory, and a lot of the writers of standards - Rodgers and Hart, and Gershwin.

There's nothing like having a great friends when you see them, you get that joy - that you can't really compare it with anything else.

When I was a little bit younger The strain I was under could make me cry. Now I'm a little bit older, A little bit bolder, Never so shy

There are so many cute vintage dresses made out of synthetics from the '60s and '70s - but they're so itchy and hot. It's not worth it!

I would say I know nothing about the music business, in a nice sort of way. I totally forgot I was in that music video. That's so funny.

Being an actress can be a little like being a girl in the '50s: You're stuck waiting by the phone, hoping that the boy you like will call.

I remember having this friend in school who said she didn't like the Beach Boys. And in that moment I knew we couldn't be friends anymore.

I'd be more likely to go for somebody who is like me. Well, I like creative people, so whatever that means... Yeah, authentic and creative.

There's a vegan and gluten-free bakery called BabyCakes that I love. They've got shops in New York and Los Angeles. Their stuff is amazing.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am really into hair. I'm a real girly girl and love doing my hair and experimenting with different styles.

No, I've been singing forever. I started out doing musicals. I think that was part of the reason why they gave me the part, because I sang.

I just like music that sounds like music. Not like machines and computers and things that you design to make things sound slick and perfect.

It's nice that there are movies and songs about romance - it's what motivates us as human beings. I'm all for being brainwashed by rom-coms.

I think that the mistakes that anyone can make going on dates is probably not being themselves because you can only trick people for so long.

If people just want to be famous, that's just not enough to get you up at 4 in the morning to go to work. You have to love what you're doing.

The first job I ever had was singing in a jazz club when I was like 15 with my friend, and we earned like 70 bucks. We were like, 'Oh my God!'

You do not need to look or be anorexic to be successful in Hollywood. The range of what's acceptable is a lot larger than what people believe.

I want to be where your heart is home I want to see you with the light in the morning There's never been such a beautiful warning to me, to me

I have been a harmony enthusiast since I was a child, singing in choir and with friends growing up. I always put a ton of harmonies on my demos.

Love is individual to each person and I don’t think you can define it before experiencing it because it isn’t going to be the same for everybody.

I like to make colored xeroxes of things. I clip out pictures of Liza Minelli and her husband from magazines and I fax them to people anonymously.

I'm a big fan of the '80s fantasy genre that I grew up watching, movies like "Krull" and "Clash of the Titans" and "Time Bandits" and all that stuff.

That is so personal, and it’s my pet peeve when people press you on it. And it’s always women who get asked! Is anybody saying that to George Clooney?

I love indie movies. I think that independent cinema is where it's at and where a lot of trends begin. It's where new filmmakers are breaking through.

I have a music career as well, so I was going to either be an actress or a musician. Then, I did both. But, I was always going to do something creative.

I put myself out there; it's part of my job, and I get it: people will attack me. At first I was thrown off, but now I have a pretty thick skin about it.

I've personally never wanted to be 'the babe', and refuse to let vanity get in the way of my acting because I don't see my job as being a beautiful person.

Growing up in Hollywood meant there were a lot of film stars' kids at my school - but no conspicuous wealth. It wasn't cool to show off that you had money.

I wanted to be a child actor so bad that every day I'd beg my parents if I could audition, but my mom said, 'Not until you can drive yourself to auditions.'

I listened to a lot of Joni Mitchell in high school. She was sort of an inspiration to me. I think she's a great lyricist, and she makes interesting choices.

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