Leadership does not always wear the harness of compromise.

Leadership does not always wear the harness of compromise.

The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.

The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.

I have always in my own thought summed up individual liberty, and ...

I have always in my own thought summed up individual liberty, and business liberty, and every other kind of liberty, in the phrase that is common in the sporting world, 'A free field and no favor.'

We grow by our dreams.

A living thing is born.

Liberty is its own reward.

There is no indispensable man.

All things come to him who waits

No man can be just who is not free.

America was born a Christian nation.

The seed of revolution is repression.

This is history written in lightning.

They lived long that have lived well.

My best training came from my father.

The fewer the desires, the more peace.

The right is more precious than peace.

...to make the world safe for democracy.

Government is not a warfare of interests.

One cannot pay the price of self-respect.

The object of love is to serve, not to win

The world must be made safe for democracy.

Fear God and you need not fear anyone else.

Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at.

Liberty cannot live apart from constitutional

We never found a real model (for our vision).

Responsibility is proportionate to opportunity.

Segregation is not humiliating but a benefit...

Movies are like writing history with lightning.

We must believe the things We teach our children

Men grow by having responsibility laid upon them.

Caution is the confidential agent of selfishness.

Today's greatest labor-saving device is tomorrow.

We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers.

The history of liberty is a history of resistance.

The firm basis of government is justice, not pity.

I have no happy fairyland vision that she can win.

A man's rootage is more important than his leafage.

Politics is a war of causes; a joust of principles.

America is the only idealistic nation in the world.

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.

Never murder a man when he's busy committing suicide.

A man may be defeated by his own secondary successes.

Justice, and only justice, shall always be our motto.

Government, in it's last analysis, is organized force.

One cool judgement is worth a thousand hasty councils.

America cannot be an ostrich with its head in the sand.

The nation's honor is dearer than the nation's comfort.

We have beaten the living, but we cannot fight the dead.

Never attempt to murder a man who is committing suicide.

There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight.

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