I have great confidence in the common sense of mankind in general.

Whiskey claims to itself alone the exclusive office of sot-making.

A Man's management of his own purse speaks volumes about character

Where a new invention promises to be useful, it ought to be tried.

Never put off your massage until tomorrow if you can get it today.

One of my favorite ideas is, never to keep an unnecessary soldier.

The way to silence religious disputes is to take no notice of them.

A properly functioning democracy depends on an informed electorate.

Love your neighbor as yourself and your country more than yourself.

Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.

The sheep are happier of themselves, than under the care of wolves.

When the subject is strong, simplicity is the only way to treat it.

We need a revolution every 20 years just to keep government honest.

God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.

No country and no people can be free and ignorant at the same time.

It will take a thousand years for the frontier to reach the Pacific

I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.

Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.

It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read.

It takes time to persuade men to do even what is for their own good.

Good humor is one of the preservatives of our peace and tranquility.

Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error.

Above all things, and at all times, practice yourself in good humor.

Knowledge is power...knowled ge is safety...knowle dge is happiness.

Hemp is one of the greatest, most important substances of our nation

The execution of the laws is more important than the making of them.

The variety of opinions leads to questions. Questions lead to truth.

Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations.

A great deal of love given to a few is better than a little to many.

Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion.

Peace, that glorious moment in time when everyone stops and reloads.

An equal application of law to every condition of man is fundamental.

A democratic society depends upon an informed and educated citizenry.

Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country.

How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened.

An informed citizenry is the only true repository of the public will.

Money, not morality, constitutes the principle of commercial nations.

It will be said that great societies cannot exist without government.

No government can continue good, but under the control of the people.

Without society, and a society to our taste, men are never contented.

I find that he is happiest of whom the world says least, good or bad.

Paper is poverty, it is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.

Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction.

It is part of the American character to consider nothing as desperate.

Nothing can be believed but what one sees, or has from an eye witness.

One precedent in favor of power is stronger than a hundred against it.

To every obstacle oppose patience, perseverance and soothing language.

The mass of the citizens is the safest depositary of their own rights.

The juries are our judges of all fact, and of law when they choose it.

The tender breasts of ladies were not formed for political convulsion.

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