If America could get along with Russia, that's a positive thing.

I'm all for NATO. But I said they have to focus on terror, also.

We are going to be thriving again. We have no growth in America.

We will save our Second Amendment, which is totally under siege.

The last thing America needs is four more years of Barack Obama.

Hillary Clinton's done a terrible job for the African-Americans.

I want to be a fair trader. I want to be a firm and fair trader.

We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.

I'm going to be so presidential that you people will be so bored.

If we had leaders that knew what they were doing, which we don't.

People are tired of seeing politicians as all talk and no action.

I know how to win. I have been winning. I do win. Even in sports.

Let's stop the drugs and the crime from pouring into our country.

Join me in this mission, we're going to make America great again.

I want to bring wealth back to our country so we can afford them.

The corrupt political establishment is a machine, it has no soul.

Success doesn't just happen. It starts for those who take action.

You really have to love what you are doing, so you don't give up.

I am going to support our great men and women of law enforcement.

I love Neil Young. And he loves me! We have a great relationship.

Hillary Clinton doesn't quit. She doesn't give up. I respect that.

I will never, ever let you down. America will start winning again.

I will fight harder for you than anyone has fought for you before.

We can't defend Japan, a behemoth, selling us cars by the million.

I will not lie to you. These false attacks are absolutely hurtful.

I would be the best for women, the best for women's health issues.

We will expand the number of border patrol stations significantly.

If our country got along with Russia, that would be a great thing.

[Hillary Clinton] are telling the enemy everything you want to do.

If Hillary Clinton did nothing, America'd be in much better shape.

I say, isn't that a shame [a trade with Japan], it's so one-sided.

Tax returns give you nothing. Tax returns give you no information.

If Iran was a stock, you folks should go out and buy it right now.

I've always been covered by a press that's mostly financial press.

I have very good executives and great children. They're very good.

The Iranians and Persians are excellent at the art of negotiation.

A change in leadership is required to produce a change in outcomes.

You have Obama that wants to play golf instead of deal with people.

What matters is where you want to go. Focus in the right direction!

The forgotten men and women of America will be forgotten no longer.

Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken.

Nevertheless, I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you.

We are killing - absolutely killing our energy business in America.

I am endorsed by some of the greatest business people in the world.

There is one allegiance that unites us all, and that is to America.

I ran for the electoral college. I didn't run for the popular vote.

I wanna give great health care at a much lower cost than Obamacare.

The Middle East is totally destabilized. A total and complete mess.

For a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful.

He [Bill Clinton] lost his license. He had to pay an $850,000 fine.

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