Don't compromise your principles.

We need law and order in America.

Private jets cost a lot of money.

Sadly, the American dream is dead.

Hillary's [Clinton] not a fighter.

I will knock the hell out of ISIS.

I pay tremendous numbers of taxes.

I won. I mean, I became president.

Syrian refugees are Trojan horses.

I want people that made a fortune.

America is dying at 1 percent GDP.

That's what I want. Honest loyalty.

I think I made a lot of sacrifices.

I think I have a great temperament.

[America] needs a certain thinking.

I don't want China dictating to me.

This country was seriously divided.

I've been making deals all my life.

You know, I'm, like, a smart person.

I love and respect the Armed Forces.

Together we can save America itself.

We have to be honest with ourselves.

We have to make the right decisions.

Work hard. Someone's always watching.

I'm not a debater. I get things done.

Putin is a tough guy. I met him once.

Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism.

I'm gonna do a great job for America.

I love Wisconsin. It's a great place.

I am the least racist person there is.

It's always good to be underestimated.

Always give more than what's expected.

Sometimes it pays to be a little wild.

Nuclear is the single greatest threat.

I like the concept of local education.

I want to make good deals for America.

I have the most conservative position.

We're going to make great trade deals.

All I can ask for is honest reporters.

Nothing is easy, but who wants nothing?

The beauty of me is that I'm very rich.

Nobody can solve debt problems like me.

There's always a reason for everything.

We have to renegotiate our trade deals.

Remember Obamacare is ready to explode.

We're going to renegotiate trade deals.

In America, we're in a divided country.

Treat people how you want to be treated.

The real excitement is playing the game.

I don't think top-down works in America.

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