Play, and escaping the ideology one grew up in, is freedom.

I speak Urdu quite a lot, too, and I read a lot of Persian.

Sometimes you need a major crisis to bring people together.

I'm not good at explaining why I walked across Afghanistan.

Blame and betrayal are the emotional enemies of improvement.

A government without the power of defense! It is a solecism.

Perhaps to restore human freedom we should deny determinism ?

Finding a mechanism does not bypass the problem of induction.

This is mankind's destiny, the engine with fuels us as a race.

If we're all on the same page, no one's reading the whole book.

In the long run, the public interest depends on private virtue.

When you pay for stuff, it has more of your interests in heart.

On learning: if you really want alignment, go to a chiropractor.

Economic necessity should be the mother of educational invention

Technology is always creating jobs. It's always destroying jobs.

Being a backbench MP is a bit of an anti-climax for a superhero.

All teachers are already leaders. It's in the nature of teaching.

Educational reforms are like ripe fruit. They rarely travel well.

The Great Convergence: Asia, the West and the Logic of One World.

We live in a world where black humanity is a relatively new idea.

Administering another country is always a very tricky proposition.

Suggesting evil is human doesn’t mean we can always understand it.

The question shouldn't be what we ought to do, but what we can do.

Mentors turn into tormentors if they believe they are always right.

Strong professional communities risk and sometimes relish conflict.

Excellence is the asymptotic state that never quite reaches perfection.

Too often, shared visions really mean, "I have a vision; you share it!"

In the short run, the big windfall winners ... have been the Islamists.

To make a film you have to dream a film... that's true of poetry as well.

Earth you know is round but seems flat. // You can't trust / your senses.

When they say accountability, they mean surveillance and standardization.

The most interesting thing about Google is its founders hated advertising.

The best antidote to the disruptive power of innovation is overregulation.

There aren't any liberals left in New York. They've all been mugged by now.

Don't raise the bar and narrow the gap, but narrow the gap to raise the bar.

Schools cannot shut their gates and leave the outside world on the doorstep.

In healthy individuals, emotions don't distort rationality, they enhance it!

Paradigms can be asked to show their worth, an some of them do not stand up.

Nothing, save the hangman's noose, concentrates the mind like piles of cash.

I think, by this point, almost everything on YouTube has some ad or another.

Change is easy to propose, hard to implement, and especially hard to sustain.

On school culture: It's hard to eat something you've had a relationship with.

You cannot switch teachers on and off as if they were PowerPoint presentations.

We learn more from people who are different from us than ones who are the same.

Leadership is the cigarette that's smoked once the change has been consummated.

Teaching is not the oldest profession. But it is certainly among the loneliest.

The hoodies themselves aren't criminal. White people wear hoodies all the time!

...the collapse of tsarism, while not improbably, was certainly not inevitable.

I had a lot of romantic notions about what it would mean to cross Asia by foot.

I think you spend 50 percent of your mental energy trying to defeat ad systems.

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