The bags that teachers carry home symbolize their guilt about the ...

The bags that teachers carry home symbolize their guilt about the endless care they have to give.

It's important to be innovative when times are prosperous. It's ...

It's important to be innovative when times are prosperous. It's essential to be innovative when they are not.

Technology is not destiny.

Deadwood did not kill itself!

Time is the enemy of freedom.

Every solution has a problem.

We live in a hell of opinions.

Privacy is not for the passive.

Every learner has special needs.

Trust processes as well as people.

Teaching is a passionate profession.

The heart of science is measurement.

People are different from each other

There is no algorithm for creativity.

Chance is as relentless as necessity.

Insanity is the insistence on meaning.

Total teachers aren't perfect teachers.

I lived in the Muslim world for 10 years.

BE THE MEDIA is uplifting and empowering.

I've killed my soul by playing the victim.

We should test prudently; not profligately.

On data: We are the drivers, not the driven.

Schools often get the teachers they deserve!

Walking makes us take problems in our stride.

Arrogance is the conjoined twin of ignorance.

Professional trust is a process, not a state.

The teacher has more power than the Minister.

What begins in arrogance often ends in shame.

Religions . . . seem to avoid mountain passes.

Technology is not destiny. We shape our destiny.

Partisan politics has no place in the classroom.

Life isn't easy, and leadership is harder still.

In a knowledge-driven economy, talk is real work.

There are no more liberals They've all been mugged.

I am from Scotland, and I am Christian, not Muslim.

Computers get better faster than anything else ever.

Louis Brandeis was not a racist like Woodrow Wilson.

The most important emotion in classrooms is surprise.

I have never met a villager who does not want a vote.

On technology: The teacher is mightier than the mouse.

There is no rule of law until the Mafia needs lawyers.

Adolescence is about digging out the iron inside irony.

A people denied history is a people deprived of dignity.

Contemporary culture is not very good on responsibility.

If you really care about content, you should pay for it.

Pompous asses knows how to put the moan in sanctimonious.

On being: Arrogance is not the prerogative of the gifted.

Crime is the price society pays for abandoning character.

Why should thinkers mock the simple pieties of the people?

Leadership is often the afterthought of educational change.

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