There aren't any moral victories.

Wisdom doesn't teach fools for long.

The thing I see for myself is to be the best ever.

When you put the pads's time to make plays.

Lenny Kravitz is one of my favorite musical artists.

This will be my last contract. I wanted it to be a good one.

I use as sensitive a line as possible when I draw on the plate.

A lot of guys see the complexity of the game; I see the simplicity.

It means everything. Making my father happy, that's my biggest joy.

In the end, failing to plan and planning to fail aren't so different.

Etching is a beautiful medium. The result is rich, subtle tones achieved in no other way.

I approach football like a street-ball game, like I'm playing with the fellas in the yard.

I'm a free spirit. A spirit that evolves. I'm a diamond. I'm just refining it. Polishing it. Glossing it up.

Many sports, not just football, have kind of the macho meathead mentality where innovation is almost frowned upon.

Sometimes in the heat of the battle you just got to calm down and use what you do in practice to avoid the penalties.

Courage is the only asset That will conquer in the fight If you have the will to mass it On the lines of truth and right.

It's all about work when you reach up, tap in and step on that field. You don't mess around when you go through that gate.

I want to do something extraordinary, not just make a tackle. I want to make people's eyes widen, like, 'God, you see that?

Some people meet me sometimes and they sit down and talk to me for a while and ask me my name and say, 'Oh, you're the guy'.

People talk about 'lives of significance'-as if there's an alternative. If you're not leading a life of significance, you're not living.

It's possible to love without sacrificing-but who would notice? For love is demonstrated only through sacrifice-without it, love is invisible.

I think it doesn't matter what type of helmet you wear. If you don't know the hit is coming your body is not going to tense up and get ready for impact.

St. Louis is more humid. But after a while, the heat started taking a toll on us, so we started rotating a little more up front trying to stay fresh out here.

I have an opportunity to look kids in the face and let them know it's not about where you come from; it's how you use what you have to get to where you need to be.

Not a problem kid or anything like that so when you're in the legal system like that, it's always hard on a person for the first time to go through some things like that.

The outlook on practice is we really have to prepare harder. We really have to focus harder on everything - we can't slack off. Any slacking off is going to put us behind.

The proper care and rearing of a child is integral to their development. It breaks my heart to know that some children's futures are being destroyed within their own homes.

Power is nothing without a rock solid core. Pilates is the key to activating it...guys don't be fooled just 'cause women do it. It's no joke. Try it and you'll find out real quick.

I studied philosophy and ended on sociology. For some reason, all the advanced courses in philosophy were offered 4:30 to 6:30, so I could never go because of football, so I had to switch.

If you're going to be a wannabe, make sure you 'wannabe' something great. The most shocking thing about wannabes, is they largely want to be something irrelevant, vein, or just plain petty.

The key to contentedness is not the absence of work; neither is it to cap each day with the witless abandon of hollow entertainment, but to fill your days with that which fills your life with meaning.

The famous names throughout history-be they heroes or villains-if they accomplished anything notable, they were passionate. Passion is what drives those who accomplish momentous feats, for good or evil.

I really like to play inside. I really like being able to go one-on-one with an offensive lineman every play. At defensive end, you're more running up the field and containing more than you are just against an offensive lineman.

I'm signing on to be an athlete, and it's almost like Karl Marx's theory on capitalism. I am both the worker and the product. I'm choosing to be a part of this system, thus I'm choosing to be part of the conditions that are set in this system.

I know who I am and can deal with the use of Indian mascots... But I know it can be demeaning to a group of people. Maybe it would be all right if they were truly honoring the people and are giving due respect to the people they are representing.

For me, it's not about sacking the quarterback. It's about changing the course of the game. It's causing a crucial fumble at a crucial time. It's making a tackle for a loss when the opposing team needs to gain one or two yards for the first down. I look at myself as a sudden-impact player.

When the printing press was invented, it was inspired by the desire to make the Bible accessible to everyone. Today, people of passion who want to share their faith and provide quality entertainment for families are working in one of the most powerful media of our time--the interactive video game.

My definition of success is to be happy in what you like to do best. It's not a monetary value; it's an internal value in itself. If you're happy from the inside-out, thats what is important. Success comes as a day to day value or reaching a goal that you have, and you've got to prepare yourself for what's to come when success is there.

... Wild Bill had his faults, grievous ones, perhaps ... He would get drunk, gamble, and indulge in the general licentiousness characteristic of the border in the early days, yet even when full of the vile libel of the name of whiskey which was dealt over the bars at exorbitant prices, he was gentle as a child, unless aroused to anger by intended insults. ... He was loyal in his friendship, generous to a fault, and invariably espoused the cause of the weaker against the stronger one in a quarrel.

It's one of the best feelings in the world to hit the quarterback like that, hear the crowd go crazy, and then to watch it on film. You look forward to those types of plays. The best part about it is that you never know when it's going to come. Every play you've got to go hard and every play you've got to think and believe that you're going to get that quarterback sack. If you don't get it that play it might be the next play so you've always got to be thinking about it, and when it comes, it's the best.

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