Now that it looks like things are headed on the right path, I'm ready to go back and play football.

I just ask that everyone continue to raise awareness and fight for pediatric cancer. The fight's not over.

We could have lost faith and just let this battle with cancer get the best of us, or I could give my daughter's battle with cancer a purpose and use my platform to try to raise as much awareness as possible.

The whole experience...I have been just stunned. It has helped so much. I can't believe that in this sport that has no so-called heart, it's really so full of heart. That's the truth; Football is full of heart.

If you're honest with yourself, that's the first step in maturing and becoming a better person. If you suppress your shortcomings and fears, they will follow you until the day you die. It was difficult, but I finally admitted to myself that I made mistakes.

I had all these desperate feelings. I kept thinking, How will I ever play football again if I can't even get out of this bed? I was an invalid. Football had given me everything: identity, money, confidence, friendships. I wondered what kind of man I would be without it.

I feel like a new person. I learned how to deal with people when I wasn't a football player. I always wondered how they'd react to me, if they'd respect me. I found out I have other attributes that I like-and that others like. The injury made me a lot more mature. I have a better grasp of reality in life. I'm more patient and giving. I'm a lot closer to my family and more team oriented. I'm so much stronger emotionally. I have proven to myself that I can overcome the most dreaded injury in football. It's almost like dying and realizing life has been given back to me. I can't wait to play.

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