I love to have contrast.

Being funny is very complex.

I was thirty when I did 'Jack.'

I'm a very happy, optimistic person.

I'm not as articulate as I'd wanna be.

You can't have a beauty scene for beauty's sake.

Jim Gaffigan is someone I've always been a fan of.

'The Little Mermaid' was a really great experience.

I'm a true fan of animation, and it's my livelihood.

I am a big fan of music in terms of storytelling device.

The thing about any character is that you want to be sincere.

Everything that I've ever made in my life is from my instinct.

I think the fate of 'Star Wars' is everlasting, which is great.

There was a show I loved as a kid: 'The Blue Falcon & Dynomutt.'

To me, storytelling is a mystery. Especially when you're directing.

I'm not sure comics sustain mortgage, and the house, and three kids.

There's nothing like watching hand-drawn animation on the big screen.

TV is all about schedule and budget, and you're always fighting that.

I don't want to do animation to mimic reality. I want to push reality.

I don't like to be part of the cattle. I like to just do my own thing.

Whenever you're doing two things at once, you're compromising them both.

One of the things I hate about TV for kids is that it conescends to them.

The magic of 'Jack' is that it's unique, there's not a lot of stuff like it.

For me, CG tends to feel watered down and it becomes cold because it's so perfect.

I'm a true fan of animation, and it's my livelihood. Live-action is secondary to me.

I'm not a violent person at all, and I don't want to show violence for violent's sake.

I don't like darkness in everything. I like my superheroes in primary colors, and fun.

You know, I loved 'Toy Story.' It's a great movie, but it has some pretty serious drama.

Jazz flute's funny. And I'm a big Latin music fan, Tito Puente, Tina Cruz, all that stuff.

I was really fortunate in my career where I always had executives who were very like-minded.

Doing simple flip books, I used to get such a kick out of it, just drawings and nothing else.

To me, the best of 'Jack' is when we have a very good, but small idea, executed to the nines.

I have been very fortunate for the most part of my career when it comes to support and trust.

The last thing you want to do is blend in. You want to stand out, and hopefully in a good way.

For me, animation is the caricature of life. It's something that we create, from the ground up.

If you don't believe your general, you're not going to go into battle knowing you're going to die.

There's a process in the movie industry in both live action and animation called development hell!

Luckily, as a director I can just tell people what I need and I don't need to tell them how to get it.

Storytelling has changed. Shows like 'Adventure Time' have taken storytelling in a different direction.

It was actually after I saw 'Pinocchio' that I thought I might try and work in that industry in some way.

The computer tends to equalize everything, all the movies are slowly blending together, the way they look.

Being a hardcore old-school comic book lover, it took me a while to accept the need for comic book movies.

I always refer to 'Blazing Saddles' or 'Young Frankenstein' as very much the kind of humor that I like to do.

I've done a lot of dance sequences because I like them; I like to animate dancing because it's fun and visual.

You can never guess what a kid's going to find funny - besides, you know, an obvious fart joke here and there.

In feature animation, it's kind of taboo to make a movie that's more cartoony. But I never really believed that.

One night I was sick and I watched the old black and white 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers.' And it freaked me out.

Stories are important, but I'm really into characters, and if you can give birth to a good one, that's true success.

Trying to be a leader, you've got to be really sure of what you're doing and you've got to guide people the right way.

I can't tell you how satisfying it is to have something that is your own idea get produced and then become successful.

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