They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God.

During the Tertiary period the whole valley of Mexico was one great lake.

Each society is a hero system which promises victory over evil and death.

The Cheyenne Indians: their history and lifeways : edited and illustrated

So be patient. Do not compromise. And give your destiny time to find you.

Those that don't got it, can't show it. Those that got it, can't hide it.

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.

it seems that tears and laughter, love and hate, make up the sum of life!

The idea of "race" represents one of the most dangerous myths of our time.

The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions.

As it turns out, we don't "all" have to pay our debts. Only some of us do.

Communism is the basis of all sociality and it's the basis of cooperation.

Everywhere sex is understood to be something females have that males want.

We believe that it takes a strong back and a soft front to face the world.

Islam is in principle egalitarian, and has always had problems with power.

I've come close to death more times than Elizabeth Taylor has said 'I do.'

Virtue begins when we dedicate ourselves actively to the job of gratitude.

We feed upon each other's mouths and minds like ants with social stomachs.

Slogans can be worse than swords if they are only put in the right mouths.

Every morning the world flung itself over and exposed the town to the sun.

The Eskimos live among ice all their lives but have no single word for ice.

I, personally, am unable to accept any revealed religion, Christian or not.

Not so the scientist. The very essence of his life is the service of truth.

If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.

You have no idea, sir, how difficult it is to be the victim of benevolence.

[W.H.R.] Rivers is the Rider Haggard of anthropology; I shall be the Conrad.

I have a social philosophy; you have political opinions; he has an ideology.

At sunset we are rattling through the streets of the little town of Cordova.

I don't see how you can write anything of value if you don't offend someone.

The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences.

Imprisonment in the contemporary is the worst of all intellectual tyrannies.

It is easy to be hopeful in the day when you can see the things you wish on.

When I pitched headforemost into the world I landed in the crib of Negroism.

The way I change my life is to act as if I am the person I really want to be.

An intelligence that is not humane is the most dangerous thing in the world .

All the essentials of humanity's artistic treasures can be found in New York.

Ecological devastation is the excrement, so to speak, of man's power worship.

May I see my own limits with compassion, just as I view the limits of others.

The present was an egg laid by the past that had the future inside its shell.

But any man who walks in the way of power and property is bound to meet hate.

When a man keeps beating me to the draw mentally, he begins to get glamorous.

The game of keeping what one has is never so exciting as the game of getting.

The spirit of the marriage left the bedroom and took to living in the parlor.

By their very nature bureaucracies have no conscience, no memory, and no mind.

We are a water-drinking people, and we are allowing every brook to be defiled.

Faith is the virtue of the storm, just as happiness is the virtue of sunshine.

Only, in Haiti, I realized, is it possible to drink rum and haggle with a god.

Among the thousand white persons, I am a dark rock surged upon, and overswept.

I am afraid the Spanish American has not always a very strict regard for truth.

Relationship is thus always slavery of a kind, which leaves a residue of guilt.

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