As an actor, I trust my ear.

Music means a great deal to me.

You can't really dust for vomit.

I'm fascinated by real-time behavior.

Peter Sellers is my great comedy hero.

I painted sets before I ever performed.

I myself delve into very arcane things.

I'm married to the person I fell in love with.

'The Office' is an amazing show. So is 'Extras.'

I find it really appalling when people talk about comedy.

Ninety-nine percent of television shows, I've never seen.

I've never seen a reality show. I don't watch television.

I read kind of serious books about fairly arcane subjects.

Most films, when you finish as an actor, you just go home.

I knew Dave Raymond, who was the original Phillie Phanatic.

I love being with my family and just being a regular person.

The reason I work with the same people, it's not just an accident.

I watch mostly documentaries and things that aren't remotely funny.

I love documentaries. My problem is when the filmmaker becomes the star.

When I look back on what I've done, I think I'm drawn to obsession, perhaps.

The minute the money is more, you lose your control, so then there's no point.

If you're deluded, you live in a place where there isn't everyone else's reality.

I like to play music, and I like to be funny, so I just do both at the same time.

It's dangerous talking about comedy; it gets to be very tedious and presumptuous.

I would make a huge distinction between theater improvisation and film improvisation.

I don't know anyone who's ever taken a bus. It's a mysterious form of transportation.

I don't know if I'd mastered that documentary format, but I wanted to move on from it.

The most important thing about my life is this integrity, and you can't lie to yourself.

I've been buying guitars since 1964, and you fool yourself into thinking it's the last one.

Comedy is like music. You have to know the key and you have to find players with good chops.

There are dozens and dozens of improv classes across the nation, but it really cannot be taught.

It's difficult to articulate how I know it's the right actor, but I do. It's instinct. Intuition.

I guess there's something that's appealing to me about people that are aspirational-slash-deluded.

It's infrequent that that happens - great performances and magical cinematography and great direction.

You know when you're young, you have this unbelievable stupidity and arrogance and ignorance all mixed in?

I'm a fly fisherman. I make flies. They're imitations of insects at different stages in their development.

I rarely joke unless I'm in front of a camera. It's not what I am in real life. It's what I do for a living.

I've been fortunate. I get to write films. I get to write music in films. I get to play arenas wearing a wig.

I don't read about myself, and I don't read any magazine that has anything to do with movies or show business.

With a documentary, you can cut away, you can do jump cuts, cut to a photograph at any point to bridge two scenes.

What interests me most are the emotional lives of the people. If I don't have that, it's not worth doing, frankly.

The movies have a way of seeping out there over time. We don't put them in 2,000 theaters. It wouldn't work that way.

I wouldn't say I'm a connoisseur of film. I like certain films, but I don't pretend to be a connoisseur of films, no.

People want me to be funny all the time. They think I'm being funny no matter what I say or do and that's not the case.

I didn't go to film school. I had been an actor in movies, I had been in plays, and then I just sort of jumped into it.

If you don't like the people, you're just doing a sketch. Which, in most cases, is comedy minus some emotional backbone.

Many times I'll improvise it, which isn't done a lot in movies or commercials. But a lot of my commercials are improvised.

I would overhear these conversations of people who show purebred dogs. They spoke about them as if they were their children.

We heard about people who went backstage at dog shows with scissors and cut parts of a poodle's hair off to sabotage the dog.

You know it's important to have a Jeep in Los Angeles. That front wheel drive is crucial when it starts to snow on Rodeo Drive.

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