It ain't nothing till I call it.

It ain't nothin' till I call it.

In my heart, I never called one wrong.

To me, baseball is not a game, but a religion.

The practical joke is the psychiatry of baseball.

Baseball is more than a game to me, it's a religon.

Baseball is more than a game to me, it's a religion.

Your job is to umpire for the ball and not the player.

Young man, if that bat comes down, you're out of the game

There are umpires, and there are those who hold the title.

Lou Piniella only argues on days ending with the letter 'y'.

You're expected to be perfect the day you start and then improve.

When I'm right, no one remembers.When I am wrong, no one forgets.

If you don't think every day is a great day try going without one.

Being an umpire is like being a king. It prepares you for nothing.

One reason I never called balks is that I never understood the rule.

I literally paid my way through the University of Texas with my umpiring.

Any umpire who claims he has never missed a play is . . . well, an umpire.

An angry player can't argue with the back of an umpire who is walking away.

I reached the point where I actually enjoyed the umpiring more than playing.

People come to see the players. Nobody ever bought a ticket to see a manager.

Another way to lose control is to ignore something when you should address it.

If it's true you learn from your mistakes, Jim Frey will be the best manager ever

To most people, the sky is the limit. To those who love aviation, the sky is home.

Dieting is murder on the road. Show me a man who travels and I'll show you one who eats.

We're supposed to be perfect our first day on the job and then show constant improvement.

Managers have very tough jobs. I always respected their job but demanded respect in return.

The best umpired game is the game in which the fans cannot recall the umpires who worked it.

Umpire's heaven is a place where he works third base every game. Home is where the heartache is.

I occasionally get birthday cards from fans. But it's often the same message: They hope it's my last.

Baseball is the only sport that lets the managers and coaches go out onto the field and rant and rave

I told the umpires to walk back at least thirty-five feet from home plate. That reduced the arguements.

Anyone who votes for McGowan is 100 percent right. He was a great umpire. He belongs in the Hall of Fame.

Officiating is the only job in America that everybody knows how to do better than the guy who is doing it.

I have looked back on situations and thought that I could have handled a few differently and probably better.

My dad was a carpenter and I would work with him during the summer and umpire on the nights I wasn't playing.

Umpiring is best described as the profession of standing between two seven-year olds with one ice cream cone.

As a youngster, I played in Little League, Pony League, and all sorts of amateur baseball programs growing up.

It isn't enough for an umpire to merely know what he's doing. He has to look as though he knows what he's doing, too.

Throwing people out of a game is like learning to ride a bicycle--once you get the hang of it, it can be a lot of fun.

In a way an umpire is like a woman. He makes quick decisions, never reverses them, and doesn't think you're safe when you're out.

Most plays that are missed by the umpire are caused by the umpire not reading those cues early enough and making the proper adjustments.

I set very high standards for myself and worked every game with the same energy and enthusiasm as if it were the seventh game of a World Series.

There are one-hundred fifty-four games in a season and you can find one-hundred fifty-four reasons why your team should have won every one of them.

After one year in the Texas League, the American League bought the rights to my contract. They optioned me back to the Texas League for the 1970 season.

No one respects the umpire's job more than I do; but, if I were a manager, I would probably be ejected three or four times a season fighting for my team.

I learned a valuable life lesson that summer. You should find something in life that you really enjoy and seriously consider making that your life's work.

My main objective is to prepare candidates for professional baseball; however, the majority of our graduates will go home as much better qualified amateurs.

The vast majority of people who watch baseball can properly call 95% of all plays that happen on the field. My job is to teach you how to call the other 5%.

I think I earned the players' respect, and that's the ultimate in life, isn't it? I didn't care if they liked me or disliked me, as long as I had their respect.

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