First you bring the sugar, then you bring the hot sauce.

The more games you coach, the more comfortable you feel.

The hand check has always been a part of pro basketball.

Championships and great seasons are won in locker rooms.

I'm pleased to say I am here for life at Michigan State.

Think like a head coach, but act like an assistant coach

You measure a person by what it takes to discourage them.

The truly free person in society is a disciplined person.

I've always believed in quickness over strength and size.

Your contribution as a coach is defending and rebounding.

The only thing success should do is make you more humble.

Go from good to great because good is the enemy of great.

The development of a tree depends on where it is planted.

If you want something badly enough, you'll figure it out.

We are not going to play them; they are going to play us.

Winning is more related to good defense than good offense

I never have been in Bernie Fine's hotel room in my life.

We're not moving fast enough with where things are going.

Prepare for every game like you just lost your last game.

An acre of performance is worth a whole world of promise.

I never had a set of rules. Every situation is different.

Doubt is one of the main paths on the highway to failure.

My dad coached 41 years, and I was always around coaches.

Every obnoxious fan has a wife at home that dominates him.

How competitive can you be without losing your discipline?

If you want to thank me, go do something for somebody else

In my mind, LeBron James is the best player in the league.

Be a dreamer. If you don't know how to dream, you're dead.

It's not about how far you fall, but how high you rebound.

You're not a loser in anything until you quit. Don't quit.

I'm a firm believer in that you play the way you practice.

When you win, sometimes it overshadows a poor performance.

Look for your choices, pick the best one, then go with it.

In every adversity, there is a seed of equivalent benefit.

When you face a fork in the road, step on the exhilarator!

Today's society wants to skip the process. And I hate that

I, fortunately, have never worried about irritating people.

I do believe in praising that which deserves to be praised.

Make the practices like games and the games like practices.

Help me help you help yourself is kind of the motto I have.

Divine souls suffer violent opposition from mediocre minds.

With the absence of pressure, it's hard to do great things.

Why shouldn't I milk it? We're an agricultural institution.

A successful person never loses...they either win or learn!

When your best players are really good guys, it's the best.

High school coaches sometimes are better coaches than I am.

What's an easier way to say 'bad?' Let's go with 'abysmal.'

You have to defeat a great players aura more than his game.

I don't know about them, but I sure am. I'm out for revenge.

The most important thing in good leadership is truly caring.

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